Craft & Hobby Exchange

Sharing Photos re our Projects

by Darlene Isberg Internet User
Darlene Isberg Senior   Internet User
I had previously figured that we could use FaceBook to share our photos.  Once I tried to upload photos there was a resizing issue and there is too much other activity on my FaceBook account.  It is distracting for me.  Lee set up her FaceBook acct to show her photos and again, it is all mixed up with Family and friends.

Someone told me about the Google - piacaso photo site.  I opened an account there
for the ApSense Craft Group

We now have an account with the Google photos that is set to allow anyone with the link to get in.

The link is
the email is
password is      gma15001a

Name of Account is ApSense Craft Group

You will have to download their software to be able to upload the photos. 

It does take some getting used to.  Somewhere in their opening actions is a question for them to search your computer for photos.  Say NO

I said yes and seen photos I did not know I had.  It scourges your entire computer system.  It took me a couple of hours to delete everything they found.  A bit of over kill - but then it is Google.

The nice thing about it is no resizing - at least not yet.  Also, it does a very nice job of organizing photos.  There are many nice things that it does.

I have posted a few projects that I could easily find to get us started.

It would be really interesting if each of you could open up your own folder (you can post and configure your own information) and up load it for the rest of us. 

Oct 5th 2010 22:51

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Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
cool! Thanks I will check that out today!
Oct 6th 2010 04:33   
Darlene Isberg Senior   Internet User
Thanks Katrina.
Oct 6th 2010 10:35   
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