Marketing Ethics

Emails that lie! (You Have Cash!)

by Chris Deadman Marketing
Chris Deadman Senior   Marketing
There has been an influx of emails recently with subject lines like "PayPal notification" and "you have a payment." The minute you open your Inbox you know that there are going to be more seemingly desperate attempts to get your attention. I have now got to the stage where I delete them! What about you?There are just so many  like:I have confirmed your downloadI have managed to get your VIP AccessThe list goes on!!

It is as if we are all supposed to be Gullible enough to not see right through this blatant and lazy attempt to pull us into a list box?

 Not very professional at all in my view!  What ever happened to the great catchy subject lines?

Come on you guys if you want to sell me something at least be imaginative about it! LOL

I overlooked the RE: Here is the software you ordered routine! that is
another pet hate.Lets have some views on this and other unethical practices from fellow marketers.
Oct 2nd 2010 03:14

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Warren Day Senior   
It seems like the worse the economy (or people's perception of it) is, the more people will turn to these tactics despite the fact that they are very ineffective.

Ironically, Newbies who are attracted to these ideas will not be able to generate the traffic to make it worthwhile anyway.

My biggest complaint about the payment emails is that I use gmail filters to sort my mail but I can't see how to sort valid emails vs spam with the volume of garbage people put out.
Oct 5th 2010 13:02   
Chris Deadman Senior   Marketing
This might just be the reason why the are using these types of subjects because they slide beneath the junk radar?
Oct 5th 2010 13:10   
Warren Day Senior   
It could be. It is easy enough to stop Viagra spam, I don't use it, I don't sell it so why would I have an email about it.
I don't get as many payment notifications as I want but I don't want to dump every email that mentions money into spam.
Oct 5th 2010 13:15   
Chris Deadman Senior   Marketing
Loads more to ad to the list today!

Awaiting Response And Request Approved.

Do we really have to trust the senders of these mails?
Professionalism and the thrill of the chase is just old news with new marketers. You don't earn my respect by list Harvesting. There are limits!!
Oct 7th 2010 04:12   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I don't open any of them. unless I am in desperate need for credits.
I have created many filters so all this junk does not come in my in box. I have found some very nice and responsive mailers, all with in-house mailbox. You can find them on my revpages if you are interested
Oct 15th 2010 11:01   
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