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When to Add an Affiliate Program on Your Website

by Michael Camire Internet Marketing At Its Best!
Michael Camire Committed   Internet Marketing At Its...
As your business grows it?s likely that you?re going to want to continue to grow. It makes sense then that you might consider adding an affiliate program to your website. You might be ready to add one right now. Here?s how to know when to add an affiliate program to your website.

#1 Do you have a product or service to sell? You don?t need to wait until you have a full product catalog. In fact, just about any product on ClickBank is a single information product and tons of affiliates work to earn commissions. So the first criteria for adding an affiliate program is to have something for them to promote.

#2 Do you have a sales page that is working to convert prospects to customers? The last thing a potential affiliate wants is to send prospects your way only to have them click away. They want to earn commissions and in order for that to happen, your sales page must do the job it was designed to do.

#3 Do you have an opt-in list up and running? This is important for two reasons. The first is that even if visitors sent from affiliates do not purchase right away, they may at least opt in and become part of your mailing list. The second is that people on your mailing list may become your best affiliates.

#4 Do you have a few marketing materials to provide your affiliates? Or do you have the capacity to create them? Affiliates are going to want, at the very least, an affiliate link. However, the more you can provide them in the form of articles, email messages, advertisements and downloads, the more motivated they will be to promote your product or service. And the better they?ll be able to do it.

Assuming you meet the above four criteria then there are really only a handful of other considerations to make.

* Do you have a plan to market and promote your affiliate program? Affiliates rarely fall out of the sky. You have to recruit them. You can use your email list; however, you may also want to create a separate promotion or squeeze page to drive traffic to. You?ll want to create specific goals and strategies to market to affiliates.

* Do you have the budget for it? Setting up an affiliate program can take a little bit of cash. You do have to create marketing materials and set up a tracking system. However, once your affiliates are earning commissions, your profits are going to be increasing. A little financial planning and forethought is in order.

* Will you manage your affiliate program yourself or outsource the task? You can hire a service, an affiliate network, to manage your program. You can hire an affiliate manager. Or you can manage your affiliates on your own if you have the time. Managing affiliates means being there to answer their questions. It also means tracking sales and making commission payouts.

All in all, the sooner you start an affiliate program for your products or services, the more money you?ll be making. Affiliates not only drive sales, they also help increase awareness and exposure for your business.

Thanks for Reading.

Michael Camire
Sep 20th 2010 18:46

Sponsor Ads


Sue and Shawn Kelly Committed   List Building Experts
Another Great Subject. Do you hava an E book You should put some of these together and put one out. Even if you give it as a gift to encourage others to want your opportunities. Great Joby and much information I had not thought of doing. You included all considerations to do it right. Thank You.
Sep 23rd 2010 21:18   
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