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What shall I create RevPage for?

by Wincer Song Founder
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
RevPage is a marketing tool. But it means different thing for different people.

Now I am going to give you some tips how to create a NICE RevPage.

First of all, you have to know how to choose a topic you want to create revpage for.

It should be something YOU REALLY LIKE.

DON'T create a revpage for a scam program, it damages your reputation.

Why not create a Revpage for bestsellers at Amazon.com?

Don't waste your time in creating revpage which is created by others for many times.


The second, add content to revpage.

Make sure all content are related to your topic.  People like to read your personal reviews.

Also, if you help people save time on getting information they want, your revpage is valueable.


Leave your tips below.

Good Luck!
Sep 13th 2010 11:19

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Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Especially impressed with the emphasis on CONTENT before the Re-direct
Oct 15th 2010 10:42   
Gregory Osborne Committed   Online Marketing Entrepreneur...
I personally like the idea of having these mini sites. The potential for establishing a solid contact list using this resource is fantastic. I'm new here but, the potential is obvious.
Oct 26th 2010 08:01   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
I just set one up and then ran a campaign to have people comment on my. Nice response, ApSense ROCKS!
Oct 26th 2010 08:07   
Qui Royyan Committed   
thanks for information...
Nov 4th 2010 03:19   
Vinny B Advanced  
Online sales is all spam and hype unfortunately.In finding a product you like and moving into a marketing mode Rev Pages are the best. Getting to enough traffic with the correct content is what I see as true marketing and Rev Pages do a wonderful job at adding the right content automatically. Its had to spam anything using rev pages in my opinion folks. ...Vinny B
Nov 5th 2010 01:04   
Ron W. Senior   Administrator
very nice post well written and informative
Nov 5th 2010 06:01   
Nick Grimshawe Senior   Personal Development Coach
I`ve used revpages to promote my newsletter, some affilate program that I believe offer tools people can use in their daily lives, and tools I use as a marketer that I think others might find useful. I even use it to pormote a free down load of my poetry. There are lots of creative ways to use Revpages. Earn 2-5 thousand a month stuff, I don`t promote.
Nov 9th 2010 13:11   
Goren Matt Senior   Consultant
that was a great advise
Nov 9th 2010 19:10   
Hanan D. Advanced   Writer & Translator
Good and encouraging info, I'm going to create a rev page now.
Nov 17th 2010 13:10   
Biranchi Narayan Dash Advanced   Government Service
You have described the whole topic in a nutshell.Thank u.
Dec 5th 2010 22:30   
Tony Denson Advanced   Local Market Consultant
When I consider offering a Review Page I first do a search on-site to see what exists now. If there are too many then I know that niche has plenty of attention. If just a couple Rev Pages are for a niche then I will consider the present offers and make my rev page offer deeper ideas that have not yet been presented
Dec 6th 2010 11:26   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
I like to use Rev pages as a splash page that I can send to someone instead of directly to the product. It give the view the chance to read my reviews so they can make a decision on their own to continue to the product. If the Rev Page is well written then they will go to the product.
Dec 6th 2010 15:02   
Fran Roe Senior   Representative
Great information
Dec 9th 2010 10:58   
Joe Sansoucie Professional   Advertising Your Business Is My Business
Rev pages are great! You could use PLR content, or short articles to act as lead ins for your business opportunity. There are many ways to use the Rev pages. Avoid the here's my link just click and you will make money stuff. No one believes it except raw newbies and gives people nothing to comment on except that there isn't enough information about the program or service, (whatever) for them to make a wise choice. It's just silly. lol
Dec 12th 2010 23:10   
Mario Djivanovic Senior   marketer
This is very interesting, really helps a lot.
Dec 13th 2010 02:45   
Fran Roe Senior   Representative
its hard to understand some of these page requests, I know what Im viewing but words are another thing
Dec 13th 2010 07:25   
Joe Sansoucie Professional   Advertising Your Business Is My Business
@Oldbuddy Right on! I agree, people take a great tool like that and completely destroy it. The Rev pages can be created to target niche markets. Say you sell silver jewelry, you could put together a Rev page offering a free catalog, pop your Autoresponder form code in it and have a great lead capture page that helps you showcase your goods?

The Rev page is very versatile, how about using it as a step by step system? The ideas just keep mounting...
Dec 15th 2010 01:21   
Joe Sansoucie Professional   Advertising Your Business Is My Business
I saw a post that talked about putting the Rev page into a traffic exchange. I would suggest a better approach would be to put a link to it in all the other social media sites you belong too. Now you're targeting people who will see the value of the Rev page. Unless, your Rev page is something a person surfing the manual exchanges, like free credits, free ebook about TE's, I would keep them off the exchanges (your Rev page). Used properly a Rev page can put you on the front page of Google. Much better traffic from Google for sure.
Dec 15th 2010 01:26   
Jibril Babangida Bala Committed   Consultant.
This is a very nice post,revpages are a great ways to promote your biz opportunities, but the real secret is to create the ones you are really making money,not the one you are hoping to earn,many people will always go for your revpage.
Thank wincer for his great work all the time.
Dec 15th 2010 06:34   
Frank McFadden Innovator  Frank
Thanks Wincer for the great advice on creating a RevPage. It is sound advice that I'll use in creating mine soon...
Dec 15th 2010 13:19   
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