dota adik 2005

Terrorist Flypaper Not a Formula for Middle East Stability

by Paolo Damasco
Paolo Damasco Innovator  
Here are the claims:"A stable Iraq is a crucial strategic victory in the War on Terror"(1)  U.S. withdrawal will leave Iraq a safe-haven for terrorists who plan to attack the U.S.(2)  U.S. withdrawal will allow terrorism to spill over into the neighboring Middle East states(3)  'Defeating radical Islam' in Iraq will help deter radical Islamists world-wide.Metaphysical claims:(4) "America will not be safe until the Middle East is free."Source: "Iraq is the central front on the global war on terrorism." (ibid.)(6) "it was not until after al Qaeda struck the American homeland that Washington awoke to the clear and present danger posed by the political and economic failures afflicting the Arab-Muslim world." (ibid.)"A stable Iraq is a crucial strategic victory in the War on Terror"
Aug 25th 2010 10:19

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Darlene Isberg Senior   Internet User
I am not sure how your comments are appropriate for this Group. Chat Line - Attitude - Iraq - Terrorits. It is not to say that your statements are wrong - I am inclined to believe they are correct - at least for the most part, but I also believe these comments should be placed where they will do more good and influence more people. Just a Thought!
Aug 26th 2010 11:06   
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