Sales and The Law of Attraction - Pt. 2

by Herbert Gordon Internet Marketing Consultant
Herbert Gordon Committed   Internet Marketing Consultant

is a very
specific vibration to ?Wanting?. It implies you don?t have it. The
feeling that you don?t have it causes your vibration to attract only
more of ?you don?t have it feelings?.

Therefore your life's experiences
will be a life of not having the things you want. The energy is simply
responding appropriately as it always will. It can't do anything else
because that's what energy does. Can you plant apple seeds and get


you have to do is take the idea of sales and visualizing the sale to a
whole new level  because simple visualization without emotion does
not energize to attract anything. The attraction starts at the level of
your emotion.

Changing your emotion is what changes your frequency, much
like a radio, and thus changes what and how quickly you will attract


Now stick with me here because this is
very important.
You will need to visualize on exactly how you will FEEL as a result of making a sale -- or lots of
sales not on wanting to make the sale.

STOP: Read that again.

Do that until you are clear about
what you want to feel and when you have it ask yourself this
question. Are you sure this is the feeling.? Then answer this question.
Is this about how you want to feel, or is this about how much money you
want to make? This is a major distinction, and a very important concept.


Now here's the bottom line. Don?t make this feeling
about the money. Money carries a lot of ?stuff? for many people. And
besides, money is not the end goal here, is it? What will you do with
the money? Whatever you do, you?re doing it in anticipation of the
FEELING you want to have as a result of spending it.


very clear
on this FEELING that you?re going after will accelerate results in every
single area of your life -- not just sales. What do you want to feel?
To the extent that you can conjure up that feeling, you then change your
?attraction frequency?, thus you begin to attract to you the
circumstances necessary to perpetuate or match that feeling that you
have. This takes some discipline. And as I said, there is often ?stuff?
that comes up.

You should know that all that ?stuff? is simply
disturbances in your energy system, and nothing more.

It can all be
dealt with and eliminated through a variety of techniques that we
discuss in our Wealth Beyond Reason

You?re going to makes sales from time to time
whether or not you are intentionally trying to use the Law of
Attraction. But it?s still going to be determined by what you?re

You?re kind of ?selling by default?. Depending on where you
have your attention during the course of the week, and how you?re
feeling, you will attract all sorts of people. Some will be a match and
others won?t.

However, you can be more intentional about whom you
attract by simply putting yourself in the feeling of what that will be
like; to work with enthusiastic people who just can?t WAIT to buy from

Feel the sale.

Do you
want a BIG
sale, or a smaller one? You can have either. The Law of Attraction
doesn?t care. It doesn?t know ?big and small?. Those are concepts that
we (humans) made up, and are totally perception? basically illusion. What
counts is how you feel.


Sometimes you?ll be confronted
with issues of ?deserving?. You?ll realize that somewhere within you,
you have a belief that extraordinary success is beyond you, or that you
aren?t worthy of it somehow.

There is, of course, absolutely no truth to
that whatsoever. This again is another limited emotion and belief that
CAN be eliminated with just the slightest amount of training.

hopefully, you?re selling because you love selling. You?re selling
because it?s who you are. It?s a passion.

Many people ?sell? because
they feel it?s a good way to make money, but it?s far from what they
believe their purpose to be. This will always hold them back to some
extent from the success they desire.

Their vibrational frequency is all
over the map as they go through various ?roles? during their day. This
is the recipe for mediocrity at best.

But if
you believe
you are here to sell -- perhaps something specific -- I invite you to
begin to intentionally envision unreasonable success for yourself.

know what success means to you. What do you truly want as a result of a
successful sales career? Is it time? Freedom? Peace? For the most part,
these are the types of things people are really seeking from financial

I invite you to shift the amount of energy you spend on a day
to day basis from what you think ?needs to be done in order to' and
instead give some time to how wonderful you?re going to feel when you?ve
achieved it, and get into the feeling of having it now.

Again, I
that this process sounds very bizarre to many. It doesn?t seem, on the
surface, to make sense. But we are not talking at the level of
?surface?. We?re looking much deeper -- at a highly scientific, albeit
complex -- level of what we?re truly made up of beyond the skin and
bones we consider ourselves to be.

When you can open your mind to some
slightly advanced concepts, you will begin to tap into an incredible
power that has ALWAYS been at work in your life, and has always been at
your disposal to use.

Unfortunately most people are never
taught these things, because not that many people have looked seriously
at them, or know anything about them. And this doesn?t make them any
less true.

Further, there ARE many who do intentionally use these
principles every day and know unreasonable success in ALL areas of their
lives -- not just financially.


now, you know
the ?secret? as well. You can scoff at it, and go right back to doing
things how you?ve always done them. Win some, lose some. Or you can just
give it a try for a while and see what happens. You have absolutely
nothing to lose. It?s something you can do in private. It costs you
nothing, and can gain you everything.

summarize (and
yes, I know it seems too simple):

the sale. Run
a movie in your mind of EXACTLY how you?d like your sale to transpire,
but pay total attention to how you FEEL about experiencing that sale in
the ?now? moment of visualizing it.

Make the feelings as intense and
realistic as possible. Imagine the transaction on every sensory level --
any sights, sounds, smell, feelings, etc. that you can generate will
help you ?fine tune? the vibration so that you attract exactly what you

While I explain this as a basically simple process, there are
nuances to all of this, of course. But all of those nuances have to do
with eliminating resistance in an individual with regard to attracting
what they truly believe they want.

Bob Doyle is the creator of Wealth
Beyond Reason. If you'd like to learn more, we invite you
to visit and perhaps request a few sample chapters of the material in
the program. We discuss all of the 'physics' of the Law of Attraction so
that even the most skeptical people can benefit from this incredible
Apr 19th 2010 16:00

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