The Law of Attraction

Thoughts become things

Your thoughts cause your feelings

The better you feel the more in alignment you are

Whatever you are feeling as a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming

You are getting what you are feeling, not what you are thinking about

What you think is what you feel and what manifests is always a match

Most people offer the majority of their thoughts in response to what they are observing

First you visualize, then you materialize

If you have been there in the mind, you go there in the body

You become the solution for you

Wealth is a mindset

You are the only one who creates your reality

Incurable means, curable within

Remove your attention from what you don't want and focus on what you want

Everything in the universe is energy

We are all connected, we are one energy field. We are another way the universe becomes conscious of itself

The power within in you is greater than the power of the world

We are unlimited being

The last frontier is the mind

The mission is the mission you give yourself

There is nothing you are supposed to do, only that what you want to do
