Publishing Online

FREE Web2 Enabled Website For Your Digital Publishing

by James Max Blog Network Community
James Max Senior   Blog Network Community
A Functional e-Commerce Place For InfoProducts Marketers

We all have heard the Rave about how you can use YouTube and Google Videos to promote your 'Net Businesses; but frankly these video sites were not designed for Internet Marketers - mostly for the GOOGLES making more money from circus lovers and people looking for a cheap thrill on a dull day!

Now we can have the Real Web2 for Internet business people!
And, of course, you should still use the Social video sites to bring traffic back to your FreeIQ e-commerce site.

Start here with the promo video to understand it all:

But use my Affiliate Links to join
My Author's page (a start)
The Homepage link
Learn More
FREE 44 Page eBook shows you how to join, utilize and profit from FreeIQ

To Your Awesome Success - The GoodNews Team's_Profile.htm[/color]
Jun 5th 2007 15:54

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
I have seen Free IQ as a matter of a fact I think I am a member : ) my question is have you made your own video yet?

I do a lot of phone interviews but I just can’t get into the idea of video yet.

Come on James let me see the link to your video : ) or maybe we should just set a date pick a program to promote and do one together.


Jun 5th 2007 22:51   
James Max Senior   Blog Network Community

Sounds like a challenge of a JV in the making.

Like you, I haven't done my first video as yet - have all the software and instructions I'll ever need on my 'puter except the videoCam.

Maybe finding the right program to promote is the way to start - any recording of tips, instructions, demonstrations, live seminars or interviews is doable. As a member, you can promote other people's products on your page and members do the same for you and get paid . commissions.

For instance you could do a video recording of your phone interviews, .or just an audio of the phone interviews and promote that.

You can promote all kinds of media - audio, video, eBooks, software, etc. They will even upload it for you if you mail it to them. And they offer a lot of live training seminars for people who want to use the site.

Lights, Camera, Action - You're On The Air! Now, Go For it.

To Your Awesome Success - Life is Short, Get Yourself A Jump Start!

The GoodNews team
FREE 44 Page eBook shows you how to join, utilize and profit from FreeIQ

Jun 6th 2007 11:22   
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