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Turn $50/Month to $7,925/Monthly Residual Income

by ezway2cash
ezway2cash Junior
They actually Pay me to Play LOTTO.

Turn $50/Month Membership Fee to $7,925/Monthly Residual

Income or More.  Your earnings - is unlimited as you are

not limited to how wide you can put in your 1st level.  Everyone

in your 1st level will earn you a $25.00 Monthly commission and

you are paid $2.00 commissions for people in your 2nd to the 5th



This is the GREATEST MLM program in the world!!!  You have the

chance of becoming a multi-millionaire every Wednesday and Saturday

nights and you are playing hundreds to thousands of tickets because

the lotto tickes of your downline members will earn you 10% of whatever

winnings they get.!!  How about just 10% of 1 Million Dollars??? Is that

$100,000 Dollars???  On the average LOTTO winnings are around 3 Million

to 4 Million - be really Nice to get 10% of those winnings!!!


OK, let's forget about the winnings - just think about how much you can

earn just from the monthly commissions.  Lets say you sponsored 10 people

in your 1st level - that means you are now receiving $250/month commission.

20 people = $500/month residual income.  40 people=$1,000/month residual

income.  80 people=$2,000/month residual income.  You are not LIMITED to

the number of people you can put in your 1st level - and everyone of them earns

you $25/month.  Add to that the people your 1st level downlines add below them.

Everybody in your 2nd to the 5th level earns you an extra $2/month.

A completed 5X5 matrix will earn you $7,925 Monthly Residual Income!!!!


WOW!!!  Just think about it - what can you do with an extra $7,925/monthly residual

income??  Pay off all the credit cards, pay off the house, buy a new car, buy a 2nd

house as an investment property available for rental.  Go to that dream vacation

spot that you've always wanted to go.  Eat Lobster and Steak or whatever you

want to eat - without worrying about how much it will cost, or if you are able

to afford it.


OK, can you see why you should join this program???  Yes, there is the monthly

Residual Commission that can grow and grow - just spread the word and wake

people up and show them what this program is all about.  Monthly Residual

Income and a much, much greater chance of hitting the lottery because you will

be sharing in the winnings of those people below you 5 levels deep.  You see you

are playing 32,000 lottery tickets every month on a completed 5X5 matrix.  One of

these days - one of those tickets will hit the BIG one and you will earn 10% of

whatever it is.   OK, that is my sales talk  -- I hope you can see why you should

join this program.  This is an investment you should not let go or pass you by.

That Million Dollar may be just waiting for you .....don't delay!!  Join today!!http://www.freelottomagic.com/?C1475
Jan 29th 2010 18:54

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Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
spamming again i see ezway2cash
Jan 29th 2010 19:25   
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