The Law of Attraction Group

Advice needed...

by James Silver
James Silver Innovator
I recently started working a business from home. It primarily involves a wholesale web store, a private Internet mail service and ebay.

I have a lot of great marketing material, I just don't know where to put my money to get the best return on my advertising dollar. Since the business is an Internet business would it be better to market it online or through other advertising media, or both?

I just started this home business in October of 2006 and my advertising budget is very limited (approximately $250 per month). I've been promoting the business since January of this year and have had limited positive results but not nearly enough to cover my expenses. I would like to learn more about exactly where to promote a business of this type to improve my personal knowledge and of course, my bottom line. Can anyone help me with some ideas? Thanks...

James Silver
Jun 5th 2007 01:25

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
I know everyone probably has a suggestion for you so I'll tell you what works best for me.
I was new to internet marketing. I knew nothing about nothing, and that is a true statement.

After I got ripped off a couple of times I came across a great group of people that took me by the hand and showed me what they were doing to be successful.

This was a Team of like minded people that used the Law of Attraction
to build their business. Meaning you get what your give, sort of speak.
Everyone helped everyone. It didn't matter who my sponsor was. When I joined the Team I got The Team.

This Team ALL uses Veretekk Marketing to market.
Veretekk seems a bit overwhelming at first glance . But with a Team at my side and me putting my effort in and attending the many online FREE Veretekk trainings. It all came together.

I told you before I didn't know anything about internet marketing.
To give you an example of just how far I have come, when I started I didn't know how to copy and paste with a mouse. Now that is just one of the classes that I teach as a Veretekk Trainer.

So what worked for me was having a group of like minded people holding my hand and Veretekk Marketing.


Jun 5th 2007 05:40   
James Silver Innovator  
That sounds like something I need. I'm a giving person and like the idea of giving to receive and marketing my business at the same time. How can I learn more about Veretekk marketing? Thanks...

Jun 5th 2007 13:07   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Here is my link for veretekk this is to sign up for a free silver account.

I will get together with you to walk you through the high points .


Skype ID abeque
Jun 5th 2007 16:09   
James Silver Innovator  
Jun 5th 2007 18:51   
James Silver Innovator  
I went to the web site and signed up, but never got the confirmation email with the login information. I had it sent to 2 different email addresses: & I have the filters turned off on both and checked the junk folders. Can you help?

Jun 6th 2007 15:58   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Your in !!
I got the information and I'll send it to you.
Jun 6th 2007 16:11   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
I get my messages back because you are using AOL.
It is the PITS, You cannot market on line with AOL.


I am happy with gmail,
I do not want to send this to an account that I have to open an account before I can get this to you.
Jun 6th 2007 17:27   
James Silver Innovator  
I signed up for a gmail account. Can you please try to send it there? Thank you...

gmail address:
Jun 8th 2007 07:31   
Joanne Ott Advanced   
Hi James,

Two things I use are Squidoo and Ezines. Squidoo is free, Ezines are paid advertising and the cost varies depending on the Ezine. If you decide to advertise this way I suggest a solo ad as it gets the best response.

As for Squidoo, you set up you own site, called a lens, and having a back link to your primary business. For some reason Google really likes Squidoo sites and it helps to get you higher ranking in the search engines. It's really made a big difference for me and have only been using it for a short time.

Hope this helps,

Jun 13th 2007 10:52   
Janet Matthews Professional   Health and Nutrition Writer
Hi James - I have just joined a company called BBSGlobal - There are 2 parts to this company -
1. The BBSGlobal shop which pays you to shop on line and gives you the opportunity to sell your products on that site
2. The Diamond Elite BBSGlobal, which is only just in prelaunch. Basically it is a site where you can learn all about internet marketing from marketers who are aready successful online (but NOT the gurus who don't tell you the truth). The training is going to be done in a similar way to the veretekk training that Cindy talks about ( and I can endorse her recommendation - it is my favourite site) The compensation plan is totally innovative and quite excellent - so not only are you learning all the tricks of the trade but you are earning an income at the same time.
If you are interested you can contact me on Skype lindajanetmatthews or email me at

Jun 15th 2007 09:46   
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