How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?

Choosing my Opportunity

by John Ruiz Content Writer
John Ruiz Advanced   Content Writer
Well alot of factors really. I will list them down to the best I can in order of impression.

1. Website Design

One of my hobbies is website design and my type of websites are something simple, but a bit trendy, and quick loading. Clean code is also a plus for me. Websites that are rushly made give the impression that they are merely there as gateways in getting leads to come in and benefit for them. If you really want to give an opportunity to a person, you'd make the site good. It's kinda like welcoming someone to their home or business. Need to be clean. Also the originality and uniqueness of graphics etc. (No templating) would even convince me more :). However watch out! Some really professional looking sites can be scams as well therefore you need to look at the other signs.

2. Free to join

This is pretty straight forward. Registration fees give me second thoughts.

3. Minimized hype usage

Well my definition of hype is repetitive information on the same page. I don't know if people do that so that the keywords add up or again some form of luring people. Opportunities that like to keep it cool and go direct to the point are usually ones that convince me the most.

4. Level of Support

Support is by far one of the major deciding factors. If I can chat with this person on YM and ask questions about anything and even make friends with the person (of course if the person isn't full of hype), I'd take another look at the opportunity he/she is trying to make me join. Much better if its live support through voice.

5. Testimonial Frequency

Testimonials that are in the form of blogs and have dates and most importantly recent dates and also high in number: all of these combined together would lead me to believe in the opportunity's legitimacy. It's always good to have a nice amount of testimonials from real people and people that have links to their own profile and new people coming in to make fresh comments as well. Some opportunties work better years ago and then just fade away over time. The world is always changing and its best to update progress and that leads to my final impression.

6. What Google/YouTube say about it

YouTube is just an added bonus, but I'd like to make sure also that Google has some background info on what I'm joining and also hear about what the world says about the opportunity. This impression also includes forums because I see the forum links through Google.

Well I hope some people found this useful. These are just my 6 major factors. Hope my English was alright as well. Comments are welcome. :)
Aug 2nd 2008 09:37

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Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Your English is very good so you have no need to worry about that.

I'd take another look at the opportunity he/she is trying to make me join. - If anybody is doing more than asking you to consider their proposition - be careful. If someone is trying to 'make' you join - run away!

Don't take too much notice of testimonial blogs and forums. These have been corrupted by the latest guru promotion of 'review sites'. Look up any programme now and you will see how well the gurus have sold this concept - there are enough review sites to totally obscure the issue - especially as the gurus also suggest that you use the word 'scam' in your title. It is really almost impossible to form a balanced opinion because of the damage the gormless gurus have done. (I won't bother talking about the sheeple who have bought this tripe!)

If the programme has a forum for the members, that is where you will find some truth if they will let you in without joining first.
Aug 2nd 2008 16:38   
John Ruiz Advanced   Content Writer
Yep, thats why testimonials is in my number 5. Always need to be paired up with the other things to look out for.

Regarding your other points, I would totally agree with you. Thanks for dropping by!
Aug 3rd 2008 01:33   
Maksym Nesen Advanced   
Thanks for great overview
Aug 4th 2008 10:41   
Tracey Babicki Advanced   
I agree
Great blog article
Wonderful information, very to the point without tons of extra things not needed and I learned a few things! Always good!
Have a wonderful day, Hope all is well with your business opportunities and your English is GREAT! Personality also shines through!

Aug 4th 2008 17:34   
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