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Black Hat software - use or not?

by Maksym Nesen
Maksym Nesen Advanced  
Hi there,

My subject here is about black hat software which should help for faster SEO, but uses not polite or semi polite methods for doing SEO. For example, fake referring to site logs. This is very fast and practically legal way of getting visible in logs of other sites and may be even being indexed by search engines. This happens if log is open for public, or site provides last referrers area in which reflects all visitors to site from other sites. So, do you find this way of SEO acceptable or not? Fake referring actually isn't even spam. If site refers to another site more than once it's just counted in logs as many times as some one come from it. So, the link to the site visible only once, but on different positions in logs, depends on quantity of visits. Fake or not fake referrers are visible in same way and it's  imposible to say whether back link on a site is true or fake without withiting the site.

OK, let's go deeper to Black Hat - content/links auto generation. This means that site provides auto generated content depending on key words or search queries. This content is practically meaningless. But it looks like reasonable for bots and thus such sites can appear on top positions in search. Do you consider such an aproach acceptable for SEO or not? Is it truly black, gray, or white? I would say this is gray hat SEO :) But it's my opinion.

Key words spam is very dull. We will not stop here. We miss cloacking as well. Forum spamming? Captcha recognition and spamming in protected forums? Very bad, But sometimes works... I always think about forum moderators when it goes about forum spamming. Very boring work to delete tons of spam comments. May be it is a good idea to change forum engine if the current is not protected from spam enough.

So, that's all for now.

You can visit my homepage for more.
Jul 29th 2008 07:16

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