Quality Content Writers Group

This really needs to be jumped on . . . . .

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
The following is part of an email I received this morning:- 

We need all members of XXX to follow these simple guidelines:

1)    Go to www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com and register if you haven’t already. It is very easy to do.
2)    Once you have registered simply login into the site.
3)    Pick one of the offer categories and go to it.
4)    You will see the “Ads by Google” near the top of each category page. These ads are text ads with NO pictures on them.
5)    Click on any of the ads (you should try to pick ads that are of interest to you).
6)    When it takes you to the advertiser site STAY on the site for at least 15 seconds.
7)    When you are finished looking at the Google advertiser hit the BACK Button on your computer which should take you back to http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/.
8)    Do not click on the same ad again.
9)    If you like what they advertiser promotes you should consider doing business with them.
10)    Click on at least 10 ads a day each day. This means that you steps 3 through 7 described above ten times. If all XXX members do this each day the money will come pouring in and augment the rebates and bonuses that XXX is paying out.
11)    Get all your friends and associates doing this so you can earn affiliate commissions. Clicking on the Google ads is very easy for your family & friends to do.

This email is promoting a method of raising cash for part of an organisation it took me a long time to learn to trust. That trust just went into the bin along with my sense of being able to judge people and organisations. I must be getting too old and complascent!

I am hoping that the pudding brained imbecile with the moral rectitude of a rabid alley cat with priapism will be pulled up on this and shown the error of his/her ways.

People do not pay the high prices of Google clicks in order to see their money being squandered by having Adsense converted into a paid surfing site.

What if this model is allowed to continue? Just think of all the other membership sites out there who will happily jump on this latest, greatest, can’t fail piece of guru voodoo?
Jun 25th 2008 03:39

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I'm not a fan of traffic exchanges to begin with. All that time you spend surfing businesses can be better spent in doing so real prospecting and promoting. I mean meeting people, networking following up with phone calls. But for me, my business is not dependent on the internet. I can promote it of line at anytime, my prospects don't need a computer to get the product, participate.

And really when you get right down to it, what's the purpose of putting your business on a traffic exchange when it is only being seen by other people on the traffic exchange who are trying to peddle something to you?
Jun 25th 2008 08:06   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Cheryl,

What you say about traffic exchanges is true but Adsense is not and was never intended to be treated like this.

The whole point of Adsense is that you are paying for the opportunity to put your ad in front of people who just might be interested.

If you have a membership of 10,000 and each of those 10,000 encouraged two other people (say wife and best friend) to click on 10 adsense ads a day, you would have 300,000 clicks a day to adsense ads. If the average commission per click is 50c, every week, $1,050,000 will be literally STOLEN from Adwords users.

That, as they say, is $54,600,000 a year - just on ONE membership site!

Put it another way Those 10,000 members would be looking at a high end commission share (say 70%) on all clicks - or $3,822 each, per year.

If this is not stomped on, Google Adwords will lose all attraction for advertisers and a very valuable resource would be lost to all of us.

Jun 25th 2008 08:22   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
But How did this get started? Are you sure that Adsense has nothing to do with it or is this a behind the scenes deal to increase traffic to the Adsense ads?. That way Adsense can boast of higher hits, even if they aren't worth a rat's butt. And the best part is that they person who places the ad has no idea of what's really going on.
Jun 25th 2008 08:47   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Cheryl,

There is no reason for Google to enter into such a slime-ball and disgusting arrangement with anybody.

Jun 25th 2008 09:36   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
What will end up happening is that website will be blacklisted and won't be allowed to recieve any of the funds that could have gone to them. The account at adwords will be deactivated and the TE that is attempting to do this will be put on the watch list by Google so any clicks that result from thier sites will be dissallowed.

I hope the webmaster will understand when his\her account gets closed.
Jun 25th 2008 11:18   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Agree with Mark - if that person's site suddenly gets increased clicks, the
Adsense will jump on it for sure. Don't believe that Google would be
a party to this, so it must be someone's idea of "enterprise".
Not very ethical at all.
Jun 25th 2008 17:10   
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