The People Group

Is This Natural? Does This Make Sense?

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
Just what the hell is it about people that makes them think anything we do isn't in fact nature at work?

Are we that egotisitical and self-centered that we honestly believe everything about us, every thought, feeling and act(no matter how great or dispicable) is not indeed nature at work?

Driving down the road the other day in my percieved 'un-natural' peice of junk mini-van, after a quick glance at the trees on the roadside with their fresh spring growth, my thoughts were turned to the millions of leaves and just how intricate and beautiful they really are.  Sheer perfection, occupying the exact space they need to and should.  If just one leaf fell out of place perhaps the whole universe would colapse unto itself, somehow the very fabric of all existence being torn to shreds just because a gentle breeze bent a limb in a direction it should never have....but that could never happen, everything no matter how screwed it may seem is and must be perfect right here and now in whatever moment in time it has occured.

The same MUST be true for ALL EXISTANCE!

Do not be confused.  I do not suggest that because of what I have stated here that wrong doings and injustice are acceptable!  Just because I suppose that everything is perfect in the moment I have no intentions of lying to, stealing from or killing my neighbor.  What I merely suggest is that these acts serve some purpose in the grander scheme of things.  That perhaps without this injustice we would have no rule to which estiblish what true justice is!(somehow I wonder just how much longer it can all go on, how much longer can we lie to ourselves when it has ALL BEEN DONE OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN?  Perhaps Mankind will just never understand...LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!)

Even right now at this very moment in time I would not be writing these words without my past experiences, the works of several generations before me and God knows what else!  Some rather obvious examples would be WITHOUT the creation of computers, phone lines or the internet(among many other discoveries and inventions) NONE OF YOU WOULD BE READING THESE WORDS RIGHT NOW.  If we got right down to it, without the discovery of FIRE, Most if not all of what we know today would most likely NOT EXIST!  And I don't need to prove to anyone that Mankind DID NOT create fire either.

Perhaps it's just time people stop believing they are so damn smart, special or important....and start realizing just how little we know or would know without everything that has ever occurred before us.

God bless and may your gratitude for all the great gifts you already possess soar! 

P.S.  There is no way I have said or ever will say all that there is to say, and that is just the very nature of things. 
Jun 11th 2008 00:42

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Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
It is what is is....and we move on to what it is what we want. Isn't it just CRAZY that we are all thinking on the same terms but different meanings.......??? WOWY g.....G...G.......LMAO. I am just flowing through it......
Letting go of our taught to be a hard thing to do. Separation is just....not possible! HAHAHAHAHA! That is a lie! Understanding that our OWN perception OF THINGS....well....THAT IS REALITY!

Jun 11th 2008 00:52   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL! So many thoughts and directions I could go with this...and really none of it I am responsible for, just the life I fell into paved by many others before me. I am not great or special(yet we all are), but mere human borne of the EARTH!
Jun 11th 2008 00:59   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
I could say what I feel too.....but trust me it would not make any sense! HEHEHEHEHE!
Is it Natural.....SURE IT IS.... Does this make sense....SURE IT DOES....
Just depends :0)
If you want it to!

Jun 11th 2008 01:59   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Trust me, if I wasn't crazy before...I am a lunatic! And HELL.......IT IS A LOAD OF FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Realizing and living what others think is IMPOSSIBLE. HEHE.......well, I love living the LUNATIC LIFE!
Jun 11th 2008 02:02   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Lunacy is believing that you will somehow improve your self or your situation by trying to be someone you are not.

25,000 years ago our ancestors had a simple life ethic - survive.

What is our major life ethic today - survive!

25,000 years ago our ancestors survived by being one with nature. They hunted, they ate, they bred and they survived - so did the ecology.

What happens today? We still survive but we are no longer one with nature. The ecology is something that we do not give a two penny damn about. While 25,000 years ago we would have preyed upon food animals, today we prey on each other.

So, what changed?

The world of the hunter gatherer ended the day farming was invented. It no longer was necessary to go out and hunt food. We traded for it with the farmers. We began to seek ways to get ourselves a better deal.

We could no longer boast of our hunting prowess so we had to find something else to boast about. Something akin to hunting but without the blood-shed.

We started to boast about how better off we were than everybody else. We sought an artificial measure of success. We invented money.

From then on it has been down-hill with a vengeance until now, with the advent of instant communications, we flood the ether with lies, disemination and half truths in order to relieve our victims of their money, add it to our own and then boast about how much we have.

What do we actually have?

Egos the size of Alaska.

No real sense of values.

A total disregard for our basic animal nature with the resultant search for "a better me"

Worst of all, we seem so happy to let others, who are no better than us and who have never even met or spoken to us, tell us how we are doing it all wrong!

Popeye had it right when he said "I yam wot I yam"

What a pity nobody was listening.
Jun 11th 2008 04:58   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
25,000 years may have killed and ate his neighbor in the name of survival.

What's changed today? Very little...which brings me to another question: Just where the hell does mankind get off thinking we are so civilised when really in so many ways we are nothing more than destructive talking savages? Who merely REACT TO ALL WE ARE SUBJECTED TO?(like a tree bending in the wind).
Jun 11th 2008 13:36   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Hello Garnet,

Such a simple concept to "Love thy Neighbour" and if we all followed it
I am sure there would be less hate & greed.

What I see on the news says to me that these drive some people more
than there hearts.

Now I think everyone is important, but I agree we are not be B all.

As we all live different lives our own reality is different and natural to us
as that is all we know. I tend to wonder if all we know is natural???

All our lives are so different and backgrounds. This is such a big topic
and so many ways it can go.............
Jun 11th 2008 23:22   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hi Lisa,

Much truth in your words. It would seem to me that 'so many ways it could go' would be the very nature of things. I do believe we are all important, but just the same that none of us are that special....or to put it in better words NOT ONE OF US IS BETTER OR MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANOTHER!(truly a beautiful thought, isn't it?) and if we could just simply learn to love our neighbor, would we not all have all we need and MORE?

Whether this is all a part of nature or not....I think it is natural that people try to hide from what they really are, or focus on things that other people tell them is good for them when in their hearts and minds they know better...just as this naturally tears them up inside!
Jun 12th 2008 00:03   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hhmmmmm, think I'll have to come back here when I'm in the mood for
philosophical discussion, which isn't right now......... sorry! :-)

Jun 12th 2008 00:20   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL...Jean, your thoughts are welcome anytime! :)
Jun 12th 2008 00:25   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
The Old Coot. You are exactly right. I myself don't see me as being a lunatic...but others that are stuck are seeing it that way. I am having people say...oh so when did you get so religious......ROTFLMAO!
And I haven't changed not one thing...but my thoughts, and beliefs! And not one of it has anything to do with anything but ME!
Jun 12th 2008 00:29   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
There are people that I just thought there would be no possible chance in me 'loving' isn't the fact of having to surround myself around them...actually they are out of my world. And if they do pop up, and try to show up and 'ruin' my day...I thought tuning out only came natural for a parent to a kid..I am able to literally take it as it is and let it go. And still smile and go about my day with praise and love to my self...and them. My focus is not on is on me, and what makes me happy and Survive. It definitely isn't hateful ugliness that loves to lurk in the shadows to come in between the miracles I am receiving minute by minute! If we ALL would realize that...then yes we could live in a peaceful GREEN perfect world. But we know not everyone is willing, ready and able for change!
Jun 12th 2008 00:38   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
we could live in a peaceful GREEN perfect world

If only!

The trouble is that mankind has so interfered with what his nature tells him to do that there is not a chance in Hell, apart from a second coming (and even then I'm not so sure) that we could live in a perfect world.

You see - by denying the nature of existence and the necessity of balance, we have made it physically iimpossible for this ideal to ever come about.

Already there are too many people for them all to be adequately fed.

Already there are far too many people for them all to be adequately watered.

Already there are too many people for them to be adequtely housed.

There are far too many people for them to be gainfully employed.

There are many people, like myself, who are alive today because the physical problems that beset us can now be over-come. In a green and natural world, we would have been dead at an early age. (I'm not ungrateful, but I am realistic enough to see how my survival and that of others like me exacerbates the problem).

Man-kind has been able to ravage the ecology and destroy those natural bounties that protected it. The wholesale destruction of trees over the past seven centuries has had a major, detrimental effect upon the Earth's capacity to refresh the air. The loss of trees might not have made an immediate impact but, unfortunately for us, the effect is increasing exponentially.

Animal husbandry is rapidly approaching the stage where a decision will have to be made about whether we feed grain to cattle or burn it in our engines and eat it ourselves.

Natural water courses and the creation of concrete hot spots has caused a rapid redifinition of the normal cycle of rainfall and the normal distribution of the rain that does fall.

As we leave fewer areas over which the air can cool and allow precipitation, we are seeing huge increases in abnormally heavy rainfall in relatively small areas - and the massive amounts of water do not have the benefit of ready outlets, becoming, instead, raging torrents destroying all before them.

The human race has lost all the aspects that let it fit into a world which, though it might be red in tooth and claw, was a natural and sustainable ecosystem. It has become self obsessed and crawled too far up its own rectum to even be aware it should care.

The sad fact is, we are now so dependent upon artificial means of surviving that more effort is spent trying to invent ways of spending money to keep employment levels up than is spent on finding ways to improve our situation.
Jun 12th 2008 01:22   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Jenn if people think your nuts that is a good sign you are not!

Oh, and I agree that "not everyone is willing, ready" but able? We are all capable of...well, virtually anything.

OC....What can I add if anything..LOL...I guess I consider myself quite fortunate living in a still relatively untouched area(only settled about 100 years ago). Perhaps in my younger days I didn't care much for the hard labour I grew up doing, esspecially when I watched the television and seen all these 'wonderful' things that were taking place in the 'more civilised' world around me, or when I considered the apparent focus on 'being rich' or famous that seemed to consume my peers and even my elders. However if I had not spent nearly the last twenty years of my life working like a dog I would not hold the skills I now do, or would I realise just what I am actually physically capable of.

Working and living off the land is not so bad, at least when money no longer can buy food I will still know how to hunt, gather and grow!
Jun 12th 2008 13:36   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Well G. I agree that we are ALL capable and ABLE...but I am talking about the ones who deny themselves that right. Just a figure of speech that many people live with and will leave this time believing.
As for the World to be Green. My world is Green. I am not focusing on what anyone else's World looks like. The more I search, (seek and ye shall find) the greener my world becomes. Yes, there is 'bad' out there. But I just could not seem to grasp that there was any more good left in the world. The more I change my views and change the way I see things. The more I find those people who are coming in to the same frame of mind that I am in. Life is what you make of it. That I know is the truth. Everything is being revealed to me, and I am finally able to see the messages that lead me to the path of Green. My world is coming together, my thought patterns are doing a whole 360, and life as I know it is becoming all that I ever dreamed! Because that is what is meant to happen. The world is a candy store, money is not an issue. If you believe that you are stuck in will remain there. If you believe that you live in Heaven.....BOY are you ever there!
I am in Heaven and NOTHING can touch me or stand in my way now!

Jun 12th 2008 13:56   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Oh yeah G. That is why I said if that is what people think I am...I LOVE being a LUNATIC! That is their perception....I know the truth ;0)
Jun 12th 2008 13:58   
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