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This has gone too far . . . . .

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Once again the police and Crown Prosecution Service in the YUK have demonstrated - IN SPADES - that there is a genuine and institutionalised FEAR of showing racial prejudice.

Chanel 4 - an independent TV station - recently broadcast the results of a long investigation (at great personal risk) for a Despatches programme called Undercover Mosque.

While it is possibly regrettable that the investigators felt that places of worship NEEDED investigating, their findings were horrific and gave great cause for concern to anybody remotely interested in social justice and community peace.

Preachers were recorded saying "a homosexual should be thrown off a mountain", "women are born deficient" and other inflammatory things - contrary to the laws of the land in which they have chosen to live and preach their own version of their religion.

Initially the police were understood to be checking to see if any crimes had been committed under the anti-terrorism, racial hatred and any other laws designed to keep the peace and prevent the fomentation of unrest and violence.




And that is what they did!

The result was that Chanel 4 was reported to the TV watchdogs for distorted (sorry, heavily edited) reports of what these preachers had said.

The result - the police are apologising in the high court after being sued by Chanel 4 in defense of their professional honour. Not only will the apology fully vindicate Chanel 4 and the reporterrs, it will also be accompanied by a ₤100,000 settlement.

While it is being, politely, said that there seems to be no reason for the about face made by the police in this matter, it seems perfectly obvious to me that the debilitating effects upon the willingness of the police to act against any but British suspects has blinded them to the fact that it is their job to stop the preaching of evil and to prosecute the perpetrators.

Once again, the ability of racial minorities, bigots and criminals to flout the law of the YUK has been demonstrated. I don't think I have ever seen such a blatant attempt at white-washing a minority while unjustly blackenning a body offering a public service.  

After the apology, it will be interesting to see if any charges are brought against the preachers.

It would be even more interesting to see the Moslem population of the YUK disowning these evil preachers and getting back to the teachings of Mohammed. 

May 15th 2008 04:42

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I have to say this the media is notorious for fanning flames of unrest. I don't trust media reports because what often gets reported is a 5 second sound bite taken out of context.

We have had all of this big brouhaha started by the media over "racist" remarks by Rev Jeremiah Wright. The media took a sound bite which by itself seemed to be highly racist but when taken in context with the whole was far from racist and a statement of fact. Even the so called anti-American statements were a condemnation not of America but of what the government has turned America into.

Saying a white woman has not experienced the same things as a black man is not racist, it's a fact. Until the media begins to report in a balanced, non-instigational manner I really have no use for their so called investigations since they are biased. They feed us appetizers and we walk away never finding out what the main course is.
May 15th 2008 12:01   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Cheryl,

The whole point of the story is that the reporting was demonstrably accurate and, more importantly FAIR.

A full and unequivocal apology and a voluntary ₤100,000 ($200,000, near enough) worth of fair.

The police were simply unable to bring themselves to investigate a racial minority and chose to persecute the 'whistle blowers' instead. They did not try to bring charges against the programme makers - they simply reported, without foundation, that they were in breach of the TV Watchdog's standards.
May 15th 2008 12:46   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
And how did everyone come to the conclusion that it is "fair". People say the reporting of Rev Wright's comments was "fair". They say we need to know the type of person Barack Obama's spiritual advisor is.

Yet John Hagee founder of the Cornerstone mega-church here in San Antonio has made remarks against gays, women and Jews but not a peep from the media propaganda machine even though Rev Hagee has publicly endorsed John Mccain. Isn't it just as fair that we know what kind of spiritual advisor is in Mr Mccain's life? But this is considered "fair"

Unless you have personally been to the mosque or done a lot of third party research you really don't know that it IS fair. It's sounds like you know the Government has reached a settlement legally. Justice (fair) and settlements(legal) rarely coincide.
May 15th 2008 15:27   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Cheryl,

I do love a cynic but in this case it was the police and Crown prosecution Service themselves that acknowledged that the report was fair.

The apology they have made was a total vindication of the report.

I cannot answer for the media propaganda machines of America but one thing that few people would argue about elsewhere is that most European investigative journalists are worth their weight in gold and do keep people on their toes.

I often listen to some of the 'gospel' radio chanels on American radio and all I can say about them is that they make great entertainment and question the sanity and authority of the preachers.

The American news chanels are also great entertainment - I wonder who writes the scripts and if they have looked at an atlas recently.
May 16th 2008 04:35   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Few people here would argue that what the media presents them with is not true either but that means nothing. The media constantly pushed the idea of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The media produces sound bites which the average person takes as fact. We need to do some research before putting store in what is said. If I'm not mistaken in my assumption the UK media probably spent a lot of time pushing the same idea before the Iraq invasion.

You say the Crown acknowledged that the report was fair, it would seem to me that the crown means Government agency. Government agencies are also notorious for presenting the media with biased or skewed sound bites themselves. My point is not to take anything presented by the media or the government at face value since history has shown that they both depend heavily on propaganda to keep the non-thinking masses in line.
May 16th 2008 10:12   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
The Crown Prosecution Agency is a body that sits between the police and the courts. It has only one job - to decide if there is enough evidence to prosecute a case.

It is notorious for failing to prosecute far too many cases and their attitude in this instance has certainly caused a great eal of concern. Nobody would be surprised at the failure to prosecute the preachers (racial minorities have to be caught in the act with a million witnesses to have that happen) but the support of the police report to the TV Watchdogs was well out of order.

For once the government can say "Wasn't us" except that they set up this social injustice in the first place.
May 16th 2008 11:16   
David Schupbach Senior   
As a tool of the Power Brokers that REALLY control the world, all government agencies, and entities have the same basic purpose, as well as all media outlets....To keep the population in a state of ignorance so that those who control things can operate quietly in the dark.
This is nothing new, just the latest version of it.
May 18th 2008 05:14   
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