Quality Content Writers Group

When Fire Burns And Passion Soars... A Bit Of Poetry

by Jeff Greene Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing...
Yes, this is a Moment... My Rage Is Rightly directed at Delays, Needs and Constraints...

AYE, And it feels GOOD to BURN them all ... Toss away that "Zombie-like "Passivity and Acceptance...", Hurl it away into the FIRE-- and howl as it Burns

 Ye who would be of Adventure and Enterprise MUST do this, as Violence is being done to Thee... Unseen and Gently-- So subtle, yet so vomitously Venomous...

 Drain the very LIFE from Thy Affairs and Creations It surely will

while Ye walk as Sleepers-- IT NEED NOT BE!

You have a Birthright to Willful, Right Actions in the face of ALL that will harm Thee!

No allowances for the Harmful One's Authority or Position shall overtake your

Awakened Life!

 One tiny parcel of Self Awareness, Self Love, Self Value... Brings Thee to The FREEDOM, and You Will Have It!


May Joy Abundance and Peace Be With Thee... And May The Ferocious LOVE Of The Awakened Life bring Full Benefit Thy Living, Loving, Love Ones And Affairs....


From poem 14.... "Alive, Awake And Aware..." Daily Business...
Apr 30th 2008 09:23

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Beautiful and now head over and post something in the Poets corner..........got a few new members over on the artists network
Apr 30th 2008 09:36   
David Schupbach Senior   
Ah Yes Jeff..

Love the style! I do a little myself as you probably know if you have read my Zen blog...

"Thus" is all there is or ever was..

Peace and Serenity my friend.
May 15th 2008 12:01   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Good to hear from you, MoRambler! :)

I'll take a gander at your Zen blog in two minutes! :)
May 15th 2008 14:26   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Great stuff! I attempted to leave a comment, but I guess Word Press wasn't in the mood to let me do so! :)
May 15th 2008 14:39   
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