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I am positively mentally hacked off!

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Just where do these PMA dead heads get off?

I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing that when they were 6 months old their mummy forgot to change their nappy (diaper) in time and created a stream of negative emotions that have continued to impinge, and grow in effect upon the psyches of those poor souls until. today, as 45 year old furnace operatives, they are failures.

Just when do we get off letting people blame everybody else for their short-comings?

Just when do we stop people promulgating ideas that are as dangerous as many addictive drugs?

Just when do we stop criminals blaming their victims for the crimes they comit?

A positively mental attitude has spread throughout the gullible and sick world of the inept, the stupid and the just plain greedy. How is it possible to set yourself up as an expert using only the idea that - "You can be what you believe you can be", or "The universe wants you to be wealthy" or "With the right positive attitude everything is possible".

Look at the books that people spend fortunes on.

Why would anybody in their right mind buy a book on self improvement? How sad is it that someone could be so alone in this world that they have to turn to a book, written by someone they do not know, who does not know them and which can only be very general in its' concepts and practically useless to any individual? Why can't they seek more direct help from friends, relatives, colleagues or, even, enemies? Nobody is THAT alone in this life.

I despair as I see more and more members of our society become entrapped by strange cults that promise nothing except the sympathetic (but deaf) ear and the ever open palm.

More people get rich today by telling others how sad or ineffective they are than just about any other category of modern day witch craft.

Why are people so happy to be denigrated? Why are they so happy to lie back and believe that they are victims? Why can't they see that they are each unique individuals who have something great to offer?

Why do we let it happen?

I, surely, can't be the only person who has led a life of disaster upon disaster who does not seek to explain it all away by "bad vibes" or "negativity"?

Did I get cancer because someone talked me into it? I don't think so.

Did my wives and children die because my attitude was all wrong? I don't think so.

Was my father blind because he did not tell himself he could see? I don't think so.

Was my mother a grand mal epileptic because of her negative attitude? I don't think so.

We are faced with challenges every day of our lives. It is how we face those challenges that defines how we progress and no amount of positive thinking will make them go away without some positive ACTION.
Apr 24th 2008 11:57

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Anthony Hosking Innovator   
You are so very right, we are the authors of our own destiny, we all have ourselves to blame if things go wrong in our lives. All the PMA in the world will not help if we do use ACTION that is the key word.


Apr 24th 2008 13:04   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Actually the only self improvement book anyone needs is the (B)asic (I)nstructions (B)efore (L)eaving (E)arth.

Many people pay lip service to that book but it seems that few actually read it.
Apr 24th 2008 14:16   
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