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A cheap trick

by Mattias Kroon
Mattias Kroon Senior  
Hi Friends!

You have seen it too often, how some are trying to get sign ups to a specific program by warning for nearly every other program and company on the internet.

I call it a cheap trick!

It is normal to warn for scams and scamartists on a specific forum but not as a cheap trick to get sign ups!

Do they really believe that this could be true??

Do they know how much money different networkers are making on the net every year?

Criminals are also making money on the internet, and that is sad, but to demonize nearly all the other companies to try to win people´s confidence by frightening people all the time and by that getting sign ups is absolutely the wrong path.

Even if one networker works with promoting some program they could at least show a little respect for other reputable networkers as well.

Come up higher, the time is here for more networkers to get their fair share of all the millions made on the net!

Thank you!
Apr 20th 2008 15:47

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Many of these programs themselves are set up to invite the title of scam, pyramid etc. Or the business model itself shows flaws and weaknesses that the normal person would avoid outside of network marketing. Network marketers need to understand that these programs are iffy at best and a scam at worse. Some are downright illegal.

None of them would be accepted off the web and they use this medium as the shadowy underground in which to hustle the honest person out of their money. What happens is that reflects on all members of the networking field.

Until there is some sort of regulation in place (it will be a cold day in you know where before that happens) this will be a pitfall of online marketing and the on-line marketer must live with it.
Apr 20th 2008 17:32   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
well you've opened my eyes to scam artists being the ones pointing out scams on the web to get more sign ups for their own scam programs!

Apr 20th 2008 21:34   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Here's the thing with these "programs", how many of them are set up so that someone in the program can make money by selling a product. I don't mean you get someone else to sign up for the program as a rep to get the product. I mean that that rep can sell the product and make a profit?
Not many. Most require you to sign up then sign up others and you get e-books autoresponders etc which they call a system. But no one else signs up and you have lost your money. These are normally set up as "one up" type programs meaning you have to find more than one person to sign up. And then when you look at them they are all the same.

That is the basis of a scam. In the real world no one would give any of these so called programs a second look but because it is one the internet everyone wants to jump on it. There is no common sense being displayed. These programs in themselves are scams it doesn't matter what name it goes by. People fall for it every day and then they spend countless hours and wasted effort trying to find someone else lacking common sense to get swindled right along with them.

If there is no product that can be marketed and sold independent of the system it is a scam, pyramid scheme, illegal etc. All it takes is using your brain to think.
Apr 20th 2008 22:05   
Mattias Kroon Senior   
Thank you for your answers.

The point here was that they aren´t always pointing at scams, they CLAIM that most of other programs are scams to get others to join their own program.

Good for you Beth, that it was some kind of eye-opener!

If you are SURE that some program is a scam, THEN it´s another thing.

I don´t think every networker is a serious marketer, some just have networking as a "hobby" or something.

Apr 21st 2008 06:15   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
My point is that 90% of the time it is a case of "The pot calling the kettle black". One person desperately trying to make money in a scam program which is exactly the same basic program that he is in with a different name and he yells "Scam!" while pointing at program B even though program A is basically the same thing.

People need to look at what a program offers but in so many cases you can't do that without giving up personal information in a capture page. People need to be more aware and not join any of these programs that are scams. As long as those type of programs are around it is going to taint legitimate programs also.
Apr 21st 2008 08:02   
Mattias Kroon Senior   
Ok, eventhough you must be able to do a research so you can see the difference between a scam and what is serious business.Serious business remains serious business even if scams exists, but the scams use to disappear after a while.

But let´s fight the scamartists!
Apr 21st 2008 11:54   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Interesting...as time goes on in my online ventures I find myself getting more and more skepitcal about the majority of 'programs' being promoted on the net, I am especially bothered with the total lack of regard for others I am constantly met with, seems like the ability to reach a real person is getting increasingly difficult all the time as what I am almost constantly met with at every turn is someone else trying to stuff their program down my throat.

I wonder how many of these people are actually even in contact with the people behind the programs they are promoting?

And I Really wonder if I will ever be met with the day when no one contacts me with a silly request??

Maybe many of the programs online are not scams, but to date I have encountered very few people online who I TRUST or CARE TO WORK WITH!
Apr 21st 2008 17:59   
Mattias Kroon Senior   
Thanks Garnet!

You are so right!

Of course one gets sceptical when it seems impossible to get in personal contact with the staff on a specific program.It should be the most crucial detail, of course!

I believe that those who must "hide", knows that what they are hiding will be revealed if they would show who they are.

That kind of programs are definitely, most truly scams.

You should always, rather easy be able to get in contact with a real person.
Apr 23rd 2008 12:05   
Anthony Hosking Innovator   
The internet is full of those people who really have no idea what they are doing on the internet. All they do it sign up for this or that program thinking they are going to make millions. However they have not given this a whole lot of thought, perhaps because they know no better. This is very sad because so much money has been and will continue to be lost.


Apr 23rd 2008 17:46   
Mattias Kroon Senior   
None of us has learnt this business "overnight", but you are right Anthony, too much money are lost, and the victims are people with lack of knowledge.

That´s the reason I´ve started a Training School for Newbies here on Apsense,

Apr 26th 2008 10:51   
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