Quality Content Writers Group

Is it getting scarey out there?

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
There was a time when if I received a spam email it was fairly obvious and was treated with a little caution - but some spam did introduce me to products and services I would not have been aware of, otherwise.

There is a new sort of spam out there now.

A lot of it comes from social sites. Messages like "Abdullah Smith asked you a question on Fanfare.com" or "rtfgsw27 has added you as a friend on bumbook.com".

I don't know these people. I don't know what their site is about and I don't want to click the link because, if I do that, I confirm that I am a real person and get a whole pile of similar mail.

Maybe the reason it has become so quiet here is that members are too busy fighting off all these extraneous invitations.

Maybe they are also very busy evaluating some of the ludicrous claims being touted around. The big one at the moment is "they are giving away a million dollars!" BE STILL, MY BEATING HEART! A million dollars and a free sign up! Well, I did sign up anyway - just to find out what it is all about. I'm quite sure 50,000 will sign up and qualify for a share of the million dollars - I wonder what life changing effects the purchasing power of $20 will have.

Maybe they are also having to decide about whether or not to jump into the latest pre-launch issue. Has anybody ever thought about what pre-launch means? It means it is not in the water yet. It means the floating qualities have yet to be proved. It means you can't get on board.

You wouldn't join if there was an immediate fee to pay so you reserve a pre-launch ticket for the first cruise and sit on the keel while they build the ship around you.  

If you can join, it is not in pre-launch - it is well and truly launched, only the structure has to be finalised.

These things are giving spam a bad name! That is really scarey!
Apr 19th 2008 04:43

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Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
For me, spam can be informative, too

But it's mainly funny... I have an email address with an ancient Israeli language auto responder, that always on-- When spam come into it-- It automatically sends out a reply... Although most spam is automated ( I don't give it a second thought), sometimes Humans send this stuff... The look on their faces must be priceless! :)
Apr 19th 2008 11:41   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
In some cases that spam is not spam. I am on Link'd In and Facebook and a few other networking sites designed more for building business relationships than junk. It's a case I think of people trying to get away from these junk sites and onto sites which actually do some good. Link'd in works as a great introduction site. You know people that are on the site and they know others on the site.

You are able to use the site for true networking, securing introductions and making recommendations, You don't get a bunch of spam from people you don't know. You don't see garbage posts all over the place touting this new program or that can't fail program. Instead you are connecting with business owners who have a common concerns or are looking for your product. Instead of just spamming someone you get an introduction to the first through a common contact.
Apr 19th 2008 11:55   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Like the way you coined bumbook.com!
Apr 20th 2008 22:13   
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