Quality Content Writers Group

Making A More Dynamic Website

by Jean DAndrea Retired
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
With all the talk and blogs recently, about interactive websites, and Web 2.0, I thought

it was about time to stop procrastinating and do something about it.

A search on Google for blogging software brought up quite a few candidates for

consideration, and after visiting a few websites, I decided to go for Wordpress, as it

was supported by my hosting company.

They actually had a simple install for it - simple for who?    Do you think I could get it

to work?    No way!   

Followed the instructions exactly and entered the details requested

for the configuration - no go.      Kept getting the message "You do not have sufficient

permissions to access this page" when I tried to log in.    Since I was the Admin, that

was a little strange, I thought.

Searched around the Wordpress support forum, and discovered others posting the

same problem.  No resolution in sight.   Back to the drawing board.

At this stage, I decided to go about things a different way, and downloaded the

Wordpress program from their site.   It was a slightly more recent version also, so

that was good.

They had an easy (?) five minute installation option, which I thought would be the

way to go.       Just do this and that in the config.php file, so I did it.  Guess what?

Exactly the same message.     Something was definitely wrong here.

Went away and did some other things, and came back to the problem the next morning.

After a couple more tries at editing the config.php file, and uploading them to the server,

I was ready to tear my hear out, and I'm sure the neighbours could hear the gnashing

of teeth!   :-)

Suddenly, light dawned!     They weren't asking me for the hosting password and name

in the file, but the mySQL database name and password.      Those were things I'd

never had a use for before, so off I went to the Plesk dashboard, and created a database

and a password.

Then the big test - FTP the files yet again, go to the blog site, and log in.

It WORKED !    I've finally created a blog running the program on my own site.

Must go back to the support forum and tell them how I did it, as it may help someone

else.      Now the only problem is, what shall I write about to attract visitors?     That

will be easy, compared to the setup, I'm sure...........
Apr 15th 2008 20:14

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Good going Jean, I'm looking forward to stopping by t see what you come up with
Apr 15th 2008 21:02   
Rocky Pacley Senior   
As it sounds you have a lot to write about.
The discovery of creating a blog through
your research will be an excellent topic.

The time you took to research and the
discovery of the importance of having a
Blog from your domain is an interesting

Good Work!

Apr 15th 2008 23:04   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Thanks for your comments, Rocky and Cheryl.
Now to get to work writing things, and I'd like to try and make my own theme
for the blog soon.
Got to know more about CSS first though. :-)

Apr 16th 2008 00:13   
David Schupbach Senior   
There is a tremendous amount of prewritten material available that you can cut-n-paste into your blog editor when you don't have the time or inspiration available to write.
Known as PLR, much of it is very well written, and of course you can edit it any way you want to make it more reflective of your personality and style.

Let me know what your interests are, and the general theme of your blog, I may be able to provide you with something. FREE of course!
Apr 20th 2008 06:43   
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