Quality Content Writers Group

Email Cloaking

by Jean DAndrea Retired
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired

Just lately, I've noticed a huge increase in spam emails to the addresses
I have on my websites.    It's very time consuming, just working through
all of them, to delete them.   I've got to check in case there's something
I really need to see there.

Anyway, I've had a search around, and have discovered this little tool.

Email Cloaker

It's very easy to use, and hopefully it's going to help a lot.     Will let you
know how it goes - Currently I'm testing it on one of my websites, and
results will be posted here.  

It's a free tool, and comes highly recommended.
Apr 6th 2008 19:40

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Thanks for sharing it Jean, let me know how it works.
Apr 8th 2008 10:32   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Cheryl,

Seems to be working from the website, but my email addy is out there in so many
forums etc., that I'll have to change, it'll be a while before it really cuts spam out.
Number has reduced over two days however.
Apr 8th 2008 17:27   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Free tools and a new spam busing email address wil help:

Contactify.com and GMX.com

BB! :)
Apr 30th 2008 08:13   
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