Quality Content Writers Group

Believe in it? Don't make me laugh!!!!

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
In my search for a way to earn money on the internet I have been looking at a few ads here at Apsense.

Apart from the sublimely ridiculous, the insultingly condescending and the simply stupid adverts, one or two have caught my eye.

Now, I don't just sign up for things because the adverts look good. I actually read the ads and question them.

For example, one that caught my eye  a couple of days ago ran a video that was intrigueing enough for me to watch. A success for any advert! But the video didn't tell me anything except that the person who had posted it was not the owner of it. Nor did the video or ad give anything more than a whole heap of hyperbole with absolutely no substance.

Guess what I did?

I posted to the blog saying that I liked to have a hint of what was on offer - even if the video had intrigued me.

Guess what the blog owner did?

He deleted the blog and posted it again as though I had never seen it and commented!

Come along people. Just how cowardly can you be?

If you can't defend your product and answer some direct questions about it WHAT THE HELL ARE DOING HERE? You have absolutely no right to be advertising anything that you know nothing about and are not prepared to enlarge upon when asked. 

This is supposed to be a business community of communicators. When I was advised to join, those were the two criteria that I thought were most important.

It is very sad to discover that there are advertisers here, and it does seem to be the majority judging by the number of posts I have had deleted, who do not have the first idea of what they are doing.

One of the principal rules of selling is DO NOT STOP UNTIL THE PROSPECT HAS GONE! (and even then, try to drag him back!) Any person who takes the time to ask you questions is probably looking for answers (sorry if you already knew that little tit-bit) and the more questions he/she asks, the better your chances of closing a deal with them.

I doubt very much that I have missed any great opportunities that might have been advertised here because NOBODY (count them - er,  er,  er,  er, none?) has had the knowledge, courage, temerity or inclination to treat me as a possible client and try to close a deal with me.

This tells me more about the calibre and value of some of the marketers(sic) and products at Apsense than anything else.

It is really, really sad. 
Mar 28th 2008 07:34

Sponsor Ads


Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I welcome questions. Unfortunately So many people are peddling this that and the other, they rarely take the time to ask.
Mar 28th 2008 08:15   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

Again we agree.

Must be the fact cantankerous Old men all think a like?

Well not on all points I am sure
Mar 28th 2008 22:42   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
I don't think I've EVER had anyone ask me a question on anything I've advertised! I've had enough of mine own unanswered though.
Mar 31st 2008 22:54   
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