Quality Content Writers Group

Why do they fall for it?

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
I am quietly watching some of the blogs and groups to see how much help I can get from them in my efforts to enter the internet marketing sector.

So far, all I have learnt is how unimaginably stupid so many who claim to be internet marketers really are.

They promote programmes that are designed to fail.

They promote programmes with requirements that make success impossible.

They promote programmes with cheap cardboard immitations of products - products which are free in thousands, if not millions of places on the web.

They don't even bother to TRY the programmes for THEMSELVES before trying to trick their 'friends' into joining.

Am I the only person here who actually cares that my reputation (even if it is for being brutally honest, cantankerous and contrary) be supported by what I say to people who can read my blogs and posts?

To be blunt (I know no other way of speaking), I am absolutely horrified that people would join a community like this and, rather than try to maintain a high standard of membership and content, can only see yet another place to launch their latest spam fest.

What the hell happened to self respect?

How can anybody be happy with a blog subject like -

Earn $5,000 a day starting last year.

Send your ads to 20,000,000 opt in leads.

The only real tree on which money grows for you to pick at will.

This is so easy, an amoeba could do it.

Got a single brain cell? Great! Then you qualify to earn $100 an hour!

and the absolute worst subject line of all -

This one really works!!!

Are these people really so simple minded that they believe what they are saying? Do they really believe that "You can join in pre-launch and get a prime position." Can't they see that if you can join, it is not in pre-launch? If you can join - it has launched! The only thing it hasn't done yet is pay enough money to the owner of the programme - and when it does, it will disappear like millions of others.

Why do the same people promote many different programmes? Why do they promote brand new programmes and lie about how much they are earning with it? Why do they have so little respect for their acquaintances (I daren't say 'friends') that they will promote worthless trash to them with absolutely no personal endorsement?

Ctrl C - Ctrl V - The law of Apsense? Or last resort of the foolish?

There are good links to some great web sites in many signatures. If it wasn't for that, I could not justify spending any time here.

By nature I am a teacher - but only to those who would be taught.

By inclination I am an observer of the sublimely ridiculous - Apsense is getting there!

Mar 24th 2008 05:36

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I understand the annoyance. I'm constantly bombarded with spam and offers to join the latest pyramid scheme and just by virtue of what I do I should be the last person someone want to show a pyramid to and yet I get it all the time.

I tell people yes what I offer will work for you but it does take work on your part. If you aren't willing to work I neither want nor need you on my team. I'm building a group of people who want to work with a legitimate opportunity. We all understand that just signing up is not going to make us rich overnight. And we work together key word being work.
Mar 24th 2008 06:09   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL....I do believe you have just described nearly the entire scope of 'internet marketing'

I am still subscribed to a few different gooroo lists, each day I laugh at the amount of, ahem:


programs, ebooks and whatever else that I see re-posted word for word here and all over the bloody net.

But it all must be true and that easy, some guy who claims he's rich told me so in the email he personally sent to me(and to 500,000 other people!)

Funny I never really bought into any of it, oddly enough I never spent much time watching infomercials or buying products off of them either!
Mar 25th 2008 20:39   
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