Quality Content Writers Group

Over kill - with knobs on!

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Are you being plagued by a never ending series of exhortations to join the latest, greatest membership site?

Ever since the roogoos saw the money to be made in promoting the use of membership sites to make money I have lost count of the number that I have been asked to join.

They are all based on internet marketing.

They are all claiming to offer the very best resources for you to use to make money.

They are all being promoted along the lines of "I'm really, really rich and I want to give something back so I am letting you join this membership for only $xx per month when I could be charging $x.xxx.

They all claim to be able to add new and exciting resources as time goes by.

They all claim that you won't be flooded with ads for products and that you can unsubscribe any time you want to. (Like they could stop you!)

Most of all, they are all being created using the same "build your income grabbing membership site yesterday" programme.

The short sightedness of people jumping on band waggons always leaves me astounded. It staggers me to see apparently intelligent people following the flock.

What really gets my goat, at the moment, is that I have very little time in the day when (even at 400% magnification) I can read my emails and use my computer - this is a measure of just HOW AGGRAVATING this all is to me because I am using valuable time today to decry this development.

None of these new sites, indeed none of any emails that offer an audio message has yet mastered the simple technique of grabbing my attention AND HOLDING IT! My dislike of audio and audio/visual is being magnified exponentially as I try to hear a message that is swamped in redundant verbiage, self congratulation and circumlocution.

I don't want to know who is talking and why he is taking action after his mother fell off her unicycle and broke the dog's leg.

I don't want to know how, like everybody else with a similar message, he went bankrupt 27 times and borrowed millions in order to buy the latest programmes but didn't tell his wife.

I don't want to know that he spent years discovering that he had been doing everything wrong until he discovered the method he wants to sell me.

I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS ON OFFER! (Think 'shop window' all you stupid roogoos who don't understand basic salesmanship.)

Am I unusual?

Do others find all these autobiographical stories really help them to make a decision?

Do others appreciate their time being wasted on a 20 minute audio with 2 minutes of meat in it?

Do others like that their time is accepted as being so worthless that they are expected to listen to the sort of dross that they would scroll past in a sales letter?

Are internet marketers really that stupid? 
Mar 16th 2008 05:32

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David Schupbach Senior   
Or, is it just the people they are marketing to? :-]
I know what you mean-- The trouble is, it works on the majority of newbies coming online every day!
For those like you and I however, we are simply going to pass, because we are busy doing something besides looking for the latest band wagon.

I have gotten so bad, I never , ever, read a squeeze page all the way thru.. The first thing I do is go to the bottom of the page and see what it is going to cost me before I waste my time reading a bunch fluff.
Mar 18th 2008 19:47   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
The problem is that these newbies jump on this stuff without any research what exactly are they doing? I mean where is the product where is the need for the garbage they are pushing? They just jump in thinking that the next offer is the magic bullet. There is no magic bullet but there is a magic formula, a good solid product and lots of effort and hard work, period.
Mar 28th 2008 10:04   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Good points made...

I started a membership site in order to discuss Real issues
with Real people who seriously want to Develop
Their Businesses, Not mine.

No gurus, just a fantastic collection of serious marketers,
wishing to learn the basics of Creating, Planning
Implementing and Growing a Business.
On-line or Off-line.

The reason we chose a membership site format is more people can interact,
membership fees provide the resources available to members, and
paying a little usually keeps SERIOU people around, they appreciate VALUE

But it is interesting there are many other sitesoffering less product
for 10x's the cost....
So I guess most Internet poorpreneuers feel the more you pay the better it is?
Mar 28th 2008 22:37   
Paula Gaon Senior   
The Old Coot says:

Amen and thank you Arthur. I get so worn out
when presented with new "opportunities" and
have to search for the needle in the haystack
just to find out what the product is. Seems
like a lot of marketers think this is a clever
technique to grab attention. Like you, I get
aggravated and insulted by the waste of time.
Why can't they just tell me what the product is
and how it works, 1-2-3? As soon as I have to
start reading through "Granny Stories", I'm al-
ready suspicious that the whole thing's a hoax.

Mar 30th 2008 05:18   
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