Quality Content Writers Group

So. Now to find out what it is all about.

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Having read the many great blogs about aspects of internet marketing and seen the, generally, low level of results, I have decided that I really can't hover around the periphery any more.

I'm going to try my hand at I.M.

None of my web sites, actually, can be converted to marketing sites so I have cleared two domains to ease the amount of time I spend playing with my sites.

Out of the thousands of get-rich-quick programmes and email advertised schemes, there isn't a single one that eliminates my need to be good at several aspects of I.M. and I don't have time to learn to do all of them well. Marketing, while not something I have done a lot of recently, is familiar ground so I have gone the way I would have done on the high street. I've opened a shop.

I have looked at several ranges of goods to see which I could reasonably expect to sell with the least expense in advertising. The lure of PLR and MRR was quite strong and I will be looking at those aspects in the future. Initially I will be looking at things that will sell because lots of other people are selling them.

This will give me several avenues of advertising to explore and many examples of ads to use for ideas. The range of goods will be quite eclectic to start with but I would hope to be able to replace slow moving items - once trends have been established. Who knows, I might even discover that small niche exploitation is the way to go. We'll see. 

I have had a tremendous amount of information from my blog (one of these days, I might even write a blog entry) and some very sound advice.

Having examined the multitude of 'free' advertising sites, I have decided that they are only good for morale - not much good for product sales. Before anybody tries to contradict that statement, I have done a fair bit of research and the best results anybody has shown me proof of are as follows:- 

7 clicks for each unique click (somebody must be clicking his site like crazy!)

27 unique clicks obtain a sale (3.7% conversion)

out of every 5 sales he has one refunded (now 2.9% conversion)

he makes less than 2 sales, on average, each month.

We will be working together to look at paid advertising to see if I can earn anything and if he can improve on these very sad figures.

It was interesting that he hadn't realised just how bad his results were until I asked him about his success rate.

The web site is being built for me and the products will be selected, initially, as I said, by popularity. 

I'll keep you in touch with my progress (especially if I start making money!).

Mar 6th 2008 10:08

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Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Don't forget, you can pick up products to promote over at www.2GetSales.com/affiliates that DO SELL! And you will eanr a minimum of 50% on each sale.
Mar 6th 2008 11:06   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Good Luck with this. I'm glad you decided to try your hand at the internet marketing! I know you have a good skeptical streak that will keep the guru's off your back. I look forward to hearing about your success.
Mar 6th 2008 13:10   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Be very interesting to see the results you get Arthur.
There's certainly no shortage of products out there. :-)
Mar 6th 2008 16:15   
Rocky Pacley Senior   
Statistically you have a feel for the proper channels
when you look at marketing online and tracking the
earning aspect has a sense of ease.

You know that your list can play a vital role especially
if you discover more about their necessities. That's
an excellent place to start.
Mar 6th 2008 16:29   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Well, I have been working around my health problems and was informed, this morning, that out of 13.8 million results, my web site is number 1 on Google.

Now to try to keep it there!
Mar 22nd 2008 05:34   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Congratulations OC,
That is a great tribute to your work to get to the top of the Big G. I pray your health returns and you are able to earn enough to stay comfortable and happy!
Mar 22nd 2008 09:43   
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