Law Of Attraction 3 steps

The Law of Attraction is a favorite Subject....

by Chuck Bartok Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now...
So glad to find this group, Thank you Jennifer.

The Law of Attraction,as defined in Proverbs and so well presented by
"the Father Of The Law of Attraction, Charles Haanel in 1912, has been
"working" fo me Daily sonce 1959.

It is unfortunate that the TRUTH about it was so hidden or
not even Mentioned in the slick Movie, The Secret and all the ridiculous
Baly-hoo afterword.

The Master Key, by Haanel was the foundation of Napoleon Hill's work
Think & Grow Rich. Hill edified Haanel in a letter dated April, 1919 giving
Haanel credit in allowing Hil to secure a PART TIME employment in
1919 for $105,000 a year.

If anyome would like a FREE Copy of The Master Key and really learn about the Law of Attraction,

Just visit


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Focus Society of Overachievers

Feb 27th 2008 12:40

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