Law Of Attraction 3 steps

About Law Of Attraction 3 steps

The law of attraction states that you will attract into your life whether
>wanted or unwanted whatever you give your energy, focus, and attention to.
>You are constantly giving off vibrations of energy when you think and feel.
>These vibrations can be picked up and received by other people. That's why
>people say, "he has good vibes," or "he gives off bad vibes." You are
>constantly giving off vibrations.
>If you're feeling excited, enthusiastic, passionate, happy, joyful, loving,
>appreciative, abundant, prosperous, relaxed and peaceful, you are giving
>off positive vibrations.
>On the other hand, if you are feeling bored, anxious, worried, confused,
>sad, lonely, hurt, angry, resentful, guilty, disappointed, frustrated,
>overwhelmed, stressed out, or depressed, then you are giving off negative
>The law of attraction states that the universe responds to whatever you are
>offering -- by giving you more of whatever you are vibrating. It doesn't
>care whether it is good for you or not; it simply responds to your
>If you saw the film The Secret, you saw this explained in great detail.
>The problem is that most of the time, you are not aware of what vibration
>you are offering. You are simply responding to things outside of you;
>current events, the news, how people treat you, the stock market, how much
>money you are making, how your children are doing in school, whether or not
>your favorite sports team wins and then having a feeling that is either
>positive or negative.
>When you are simply responding unconsciously to what happens around you,
>you tend to stay "stuck" in your current condition. This is why most
>people's lives never seem to change very much. They get stuck in a
>repeating cycle of recreating the same reality over and over by the
>vibration they are sending out.
>It works like this: First you observe what you currently have and are
>currently receiving in your life. You call this your "reality." You respond
>to what you observe with a feeling, positive or negative, which then gives
>off that vibration to the universe. The law of attraction then responds to
>this vibration and brings you more of what you were vibrating. This keeps
>the cycle going over and over, until you choose to change it through the
>exertion of your will. You are a victim of your lack of awareness of the
>law of attraction.
>The Process of Intentional Creation
>It is possible to get out of this vicious cycle and create what you want
>instead of continually recreating what you already have. It is a simple
>three step process that you can begin immediately.
>If you've been implementing the action steps at the end of each principle I
>coach you through in The Success Principles: 30-Day Journey Audio Course,
>you have already begun this process.
>Step 1: Identify what you truly desire & eliminate the negative
>It is important to focus on what you want rather than what you don't want.
>You must state it in the positive and filter out the words don't, not and
>no. Remember, your mind works in pictures and if you say I don't want to be
>mad, you are creating the picture and thus the vibration of being mad. You
>must create the opposite of what you don't want.
>Step 2: Raise your vibration level
>Your job in stage two is to create a vibrational match for that which you
>say you want to have. How would you be feeling if you already had those
>things; the perfect job, the perfect relationship, the mount of money that
>you want to have?
>Your job is to identify what makes you feel good and do more of it, then
>learn not to tolerate your negative feelings.
>Affirmations are an important component in raising your vibrational level
>to what it is you want. Remember, the law of attraction does not respond to
>the words you use or the thoughts you think. It simply responds to how you
>feel about what you say and how you feel about what you think.
>For information on how to create even more effective affirmations, review
>pages 75-80 in The Success Principles, where you'll find my "Nine
>Guidelines for Creating Effective Visualizations."
>Step 3. Release it and allow it.
>In this third step you simply release your affirmation, your vibration, and
>your feelings to the universe to take care of your "request" or "order" as
>I call it. But you have to abstain from any doubts. If you doubt you can
>have it in any way, then you are not allowing it. You are pushing it away
>and you end up with contradictory messages to the universe
>It is only when the contradictory thoughts, talk, and images are removed
>that your desired results will manifest. The faster you remove your
>resistance, the faster your dreams can be realized.