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I knew we couldn't trust them.

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Most of you will realise that I despise the Judas rams that are leading the western world into any and every error of judgement it is possible for them to make.

For some time I have been nurturing a theory that, given my prediliction for miss-trust of politicians, even I thought might be just a little paranoid.

This week I saw my theory see the light of day in an editorial in a local English language newspaper so I feel a little vindicated but also cowardly in my reticence to speak out.

As you know, there has been a requirement for dogs to be micro-chipped so that their owners could be reunited with them should they become lost. The system works well and has, indeed, lived up to the promise.

But - does the micro-chip ONLY reflect an identity number to the scanner, or does it (or can it) do more?

A few years ago it was mooted that a DNA register should be set up so that no crime would go undetected. That idea was talked out, fortunately. After that, it was mooted that we should all be implanted with micro-chips so that we could be identified should we meet a particularly grizzly end. During the discussions, much like when the identity card was being discussed in YUK, it was explained how the micro-chip could work.

Basically, the micro-chip was also able to be used as a tracking device so that it was theoretically possible to know where every single person was at any time. This aspect of the micro-chip has been adopted by wealthy people at risk of kidnap for ransom - many of them opting for voluntary chipping.

Our Judas rams now know that, not only does the technology work, it can do much more than simply tell where a person is - it can actually tell what they are doing, eavesdrop on conversations and, in the final analysis, terminate the person with extreme prejudice. (Don't you just love this wonderful longhand for 'kill'?)

Obviously, few of the population at large are going to volunteer to be micro-chipped when there can be such a major incursion into their private lives so the Judas rams are going to have to do what they always do when they want their own way in a controversial project - they are going to have to instil a major fear or terror into the population.

My belief is that they have already started this process.

One thing that has become very noticeable in Spain, YUK, Germany and France (I haven't checked other countries) is that the number of children going missing each year is escalating out of all proportion. Even in USA the figures are startling, despite a history of high numbers in this category, the increase is noticeable.

Is this the start of the softening up process?

Are we soon going to see the Judas rams decrying the failure of society to protect its' most vulnerable? Will we soon see one of these Judas rams make the innocuous suggestion that it would save our lost children if everybody was micro-chipped? Wouldn't they appeal to the parent in us to agree that we do not want any more disappearances?

Are these increases in the numbers of missing children sponsored by the Judas rams? I would hate to be proved correct but I would put no outrage past them. They have already demonstrated a profligacy with the lives of their sheeple that beggars belief.

Call me paranoid, if you like, but it all makes sense.  
Feb 26th 2008 03:32

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Not paranoid at all. I too see the government benefit of having people micro chipped. I personally feel this is the reason why Identity theft and data loss is so prevalent in the US. What better way to prevent identity theft than to be micro chipped. After all, all of your identifying information is now stored in you.

This micro chip technology has it's opponents who see this as the Mark of the Beast" warned of in the Book of Revelations. Those microchips can hold not only personal information by financial information, imagine going to the store and having to get scanned to buy eggs and milk.
Feb 26th 2008 05:27   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hi Arthur,

Actually you have a good point regarding micro-chip, l wonder if l could use this device on my wife when she is out shopping. Now that would either provide me with two things depending on her spending and you more then likely could figure them out.............
Feb 26th 2008 12:18   
Mattias Kroon Senior   
This is the danger with these sorts of experiment.They are always based on rather "good" arguments, and by that way they try to get it through to the masses with their type of propaganda.We can see that in other areas in life too, with "Big Brother-cameras", for example.
Feb 26th 2008 12:38   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
Well, I'm back...and, no I do not think you are being paranoid at all. I wish there were more of us paying attention to these and other "government-for-your-own-good" propaganda! Here in the states, they are recommending these chips not only for children but now for those "wandering, forgetful" adults that, heaven forbid, cannot be taken care of in the nursing homes! Just last week a 92 year old woman was found frozen to death in Detroit. I am of the opinion, at least here in the states, that there are still too many who recognize this "chipping" as the sign from revelations; something about being "marked in order to buy or sell" and will not go for it yet. Furthermore, with the many who are against Bush and this administration, I cannot see this as happening if it's touted by the government.
Feb 26th 2008 13:42   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
There would probably be benefits to microchipping everyone, but there would be
drawbacks also.
The idea of it actually makes me shudder. Guess I like my privacy too much.

Feb 26th 2008 15:35   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
The very idea of micro chipping is dangerous period. It would be all too easy to use these micro chips as a way to control the population. Want to target a certain group? just wait until they are all massed together and move in for the kill.

Think about it. Ruby Ridge should never have happened. I know this is hard to wrap you mind around since I am talking about avowed white supremacists, but what happened was wrong. It's all to easy to use it for hunt and destroy missions against people that don't agree with the government, to spy on citizens internally and other government abuse.

Unfortunately most of the touting of this technology is based on fear as Arthur pointed out. Think you can't keep up with grandma since she's just a bit senile? Microchip her.

Scared someone will snatch Junior and hold him for ransom? Microchip the little crumb snatcher.

Afraid someone will steal your identity? Microchip yourself to confirm who you are.

And while we are doing that guess what the government can be doing?
Too many people in the country? Let's track down all the old folks and put them to sleep like in the movie "Logan's Run".

Well we want to go to war but it's going to be unpopular with people. Track them down and throw them in jail under Homeland Security/Patriot Act.

We don't want "those people" living among us track them down so we can control them.

In case we have forgotten many of our rights in America where curtailed or suspended under the Patriot Act with our full permission because all we wanted was for the government to protect us. Remember the government is not going to protect anyone for free. You are giving up something very important when you go along with these scare tactics...your freedom and your rights!

Feb 26th 2008 16:17   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
By the way, have you heard the latest according to the Patriot Act "people who are defenders of the US constitution against the federal government AND the UN should be considered terrorist and considered moderately unstable..." http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=389
Feb 26th 2008 19:35   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Mizrae,

Why are you so surprised?

The evil alliance that existed between GWB and TB had only one reason for existence - to instil abject terror and wide spread miss trust. The war for terror has not gone away - it is just a little less obvious.

To quote from my opening post:-

"One thing that has become very noticeable in Spain, YUK, Germany and France (I haven't checked other countries) is that the number of children going missing each year is escalating out of all proportion. Even in USA the figures are startling, despite a history of high numbers in this category, the increase is noticeable.

Is this the start of the softening up process?"

This has been a very worrying impression I have had for about nine months - is the increase in child disappearance government sponsored in order to further their plans for micro-chipping? Obviously I was not direct enough initially because nobody has responded to that aspect.

Feb 27th 2008 04:34   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
Arthur, I don't think this connection can be substantiated here in the States (and unbelievably, most US citizens turn a blind eye when it comes to even "thinking" our government would be so evil). I am not surprised and just this morning listened to a talk show regarding RFID chips (coincidental?). Anyway I thought I would pass on a couple of websites:
http://www.antichips.com (this site also directs the interested parties to the articles on the link
between chips and CANCER!)
http://www.spychips.com (these authors have followed this subject for over 8 years)

Also, guess who started the massive explosion of RFID chipping all our products and clothing - Walmart! They are now asking their employees to include these chips in their employee tags so they can "track" what the employees are buying and eating for their insurance coverage!)

And, Arthur, the UK is talking about NOT covering its citizens for health insurance by tracking them with chips and tracking what they are buying (example: cigarettes, smokers will NOT be covered). I heard this on the radio this morning too.
Feb 27th 2008 05:55   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Mizrae,

I hadn't heard about using the purchases of people to cancel their health insurance but, for the YUK (incidentally, that is pronounced YEUCH! or YECHH!) it would only be par for the course.

I paid insurance contributions and taxes in the YUK for over 35 years but that no longer means a damn thing. If I was to be taken suddenly insane and visited my wife in Devon and if I broke my leg while I was there, I would not be entitled to free medical treatment. (Admittedly, I probably would get it because doctors still only want to know that you are suffering in order to give you treatment.)

Meanwhile, any AIDS riddled illegal immigrant is ENTITLED to all the medical treatment that he requires.

The YUK government absolutely despises the people who were born in that blighted set of islands - if they can ruin the life of a British born subject - they will.
Feb 27th 2008 11:01   
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