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What is this thing called success?

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
The last few days have been spent in a bit of a hazy no-mans land - neither conscious nor really unconscious. I have drifted around the internet and looked at thousands of emails - even sent a few out!

So much of what I have read and seen has been about this elusive thing - success.

What is it? Can anybody tell me?

Is it a state of being?

Or is it a fleeting moment in life when you can say - "Well, that's finished. I am a success," - only to then sit back and think that you have now completed your life's work and might as well lie back and enjoy the fruits of it (if there are any).

I think success is one of these man made states that really means absolutely nothing. We talk about someone being "a success" but what do we mean? How can anybody decide that they have succeeded?

Well, you say, "I set out to be a great brain surgeon and I am the best in the world." but does that actually make you a success? Is it really a true success to focus your life to such an extent that achieving one high aim satisfies your perception of being successful?

How many times, I wonder, do these highly focused individuals fail to achieve success at a more human and basic level.

On the face of it, I would be classed as a failure (by those who actually think that it is possible to fail) because I am broke most of the time, seldom know where my next meal is coming from and rely, to a much greater extent than I would like, on friends and neighbours.

But my life is over-flowing with success.

It starts when I succeed in maintaining my new years resolution by waking up in the morning and goes on from there until I go to sleep again.

My days are full of a sense of successful achievement - some major, some minor and some hardly worth a mention, but successes all the same.

Some of the most unfortunate people I know are those who are driven by a need to achieve a particular aim. They become so trapped in the mire of wishing that they fail to live. Their energies are wasted in the futile pursuit of something which they, themselves, may not actually believe they want but are too afraid to change horses.

Everybody has many successes every single day of their life - the trouble is, they are so involved in the 'big picture' that they miss the exquisite detail.

Don't chase success - it will come to you.

Will you recognise it when it does? 
Feb 2nd 2008 16:35

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hello Arthur,

We finally agree on something what is success, it has many meanings, no one really understand the true meaning of what it stands for. Most of us are successful without even having the slightest idea of what that means, We search and never found it, because we are too busy search for it. We forget the most important aspect of success, success has many different meanings, we all have a different perspective of what it means to each one of us. Success is something that makes you be able to live with you what have and be able to accept who you really are. Not how much you have, or what have you accomplished in life. You can not judge success with this sort of measuring system what so ever. Then you are lost without any meaningless direction in you're search for what the true meaning is.

Yes the fruits that you have described, could be what success means to you, we all have a different meaning for success, in the end it's just another word in the English language. Just letters putt together to create a word that was supposed to have an impact on us. So why is this word so over rated, what is it's importance to each of us. We can only understand what it means, so yes success is not only a word but one we all spend way too much time looking or searching for. The funny part will all have the incredible to be the success we all seek. So why is the meaning of success so complicated, it is pretty easy we make it that way, no other reason stands in the way except that person we look at in the mirror. The difference is one has the ability to understand this theory and the other has no concept of it at all.

Hey why l spent a good portion of my afternoon dedicating a blog to why most of us never understand that meaning of success or how to obtain it. So much there on the net here, and all over the place telling you or perhaps misleading most of us into a word of total success.

If you measure success by you're bank account then one day soon you will understand what success really is all about and you have absolutely no clue what the letters in that word mean......

"SO SAD, SO SAD IS ALL I HAVE TO SAY"...................

Feb 2nd 2008 17:09   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hello Arthur,

Success to me used to be as simple as working a hard day, living a good life and making the best of a not so desired situation. I never hurt anyone but I never went out of my way to help anyone either.

After roughly a year or so of chasing the 'opportunity's definition of success' I have found myself back to believing success is really as simple as I had originally thought except I now wish to do more to help others(if even remotely possible) and create positive change on a local and global scale.
Feb 2nd 2008 19:09   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Success, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What is success to one person is failure to another.

If a child comes from a poor background and a ruined environment. They are raised in the highest crime area and they live their entire life without going to jail, i would consider them a success. They on the other hand may think I don't have a million dollars, a big house and a fancy car so I'm a failure. It's all about perception.
Feb 2nd 2008 19:48   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Hooray Arthur...

I will quote you with your permission in other places
"But my life is over-flowing with success.

It starts when I succeed in maintaining my new years resolution by waking up in the morning and goes on from there until I go to sleep again.

My days are full of a sense of successful achievement - some major, some minor and some hardly worth a mention, but successes all the same."

Success to me is only being able to say at night prayers...
"you done good Charley, and we may have another shot at it tomorrow!"

Money always sem to be there, at least enough to survive alkways and
sometime smore than enough to create wealth,
which allows us to share even more with others

Feb 3rd 2008 18:06   
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