The People Group

Are You A Real Person Or What???

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
Its been said time and time and time again....

Apparently enough that even the so-called 'Gurus' have begun to take notice!

All of the sudden we should now actually start acting like professionals and disclosing little details like our names, emails and phone numbers.  Instead of pushing BS copy/paste ads and practicing  shady marketing techniques we should develope relationships(who knew!).

Could it actually be that after countless years of would be entrepeuner after entrepeuner being totally robbed and blindsighted by these self-proclaimed how-to be perfect and get rich this second information pushing bullies that they are now getting a little scared of the aftermath they will soon be dealing with.  

Meanwhile the little guy in the trenches who has been saying it ALL for far too long  stands a considerable chance of continueing to go unnoticed in the shadow of these giants who simply do as they please whenever they are feeling a little greedy due to the fact of those who will not listen!

Heck!  If I told you I could make you insanely rich in the next five minutes and all you had to do was pay me $50 right now before I change my mind forever, would you do it?(Go Ahead, make my day!(any amount acceptable...LOL):)            

Note:  I guarantee you nothing...just like the gurus who disappear five seconds after your purchase!

What do I care?  If you want to continue listening to people who only care about what works for them that's your business!  Personally I prefer to deal with people who are Honest and Treat Others As They Themselves Would Like To Be Treated.

Your Best opportunity is whatever you say it is!

Just don't limit yourself.....

The Blog above was inspired by all the little people who in actuality aren't so little and are very Real(you know who you are!) and brought to you only by the people group.

Are You Real Yet?
Jan 25th 2008 00:05

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Coach Steve Toth Advanced   
Hi Garnet;

The only thing I know that makes me real is my "word" = integrity. When I make you a promise that I will do something, I will do it so that you'll know what you can count on and that I will be authentic with you.

Everything else is a conversation, hopes, beliefs, denial of reality, falling in love with some one's potential, being lazy, wanting something for nothing, deception, blind thought, blind faith, etc...

By the way, wanting to make money on the Internet or off is the incorrect focus. Must provide value first and understand the value proposition. "The World will pay you for what you do not what you know".

To Your Growth,

Jan 27th 2008 12:41   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
The only thing I know that makes me real is my "word"

Now that is what I call an interesting slant on the question.

I have never considered that I might only be real for some of the time and to particular people. It is an aspect, though, that deserves consideration.

If we go back to solipsism, it must be probable that, no matter how accomplished he is in the discipline, the solipsist would probably benefit from allowing some of his reality to run in the background rather than trying to keep the whole thing to the fore front of his brain. A way of doing this would, indeed, be to qualify those to whom you are to appear to be real.

Making a promise to someone to become real to them while you remain ethereal to everybody else, makes admirable sense. Not only does it reduce the strain of maintaining your reality, it also means that you can change, as often as you like, those to whom you are real by simply fulfilling a promise to one person thus ceasing to be real to them, then making a promise to another person.

That is absolutely brilliant. I wish I had thought of it.
Jan 27th 2008 13:10   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Hey Garnet,

You have hit a tune with this Topic.

With so many looking for the quick fix to make money I think that is why these people
keep making money.

I do see the reality that many are wanting to find the person behind the words and see
if you are a real person.

Getting to know real honest persons so how do you know? Talking and Communication
and checking them out, looking at what they say and stand for.

Amazing enough I recall a group created and the name was "the jackal" one never knew
his name. (of course I would not go so far as to say he had bad techniques, they had some
great content).

Personally I do not buy from someone I do not know, I tend to think many are like me and like to deal with someone they know in some way or connected with a group.

Being real is the best start in business anyone can make.
That is my opinion and my reality.
Jan 27th 2008 13:42   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hello everyone,

WOW there has been some deep comments here, so deep I've been hestitant to add anything to the When I posted the subject I was sort of joking around with the idea, hadn't given so much as a thought to 'reality' other than the reality of so-called internet marketing.

Coach Steve, 'By the way, wanting to make money on the Internet or off is the incorrect focus.'


I don't think it's any secret that I came to the internet through offline network marketing that I was trying to make money with. Strangely enough that company or more acurately the person who presented it to me lured me in for the money. Afterwards the company in it's trainings stated that you would not be successful if money was your reason to do it. Good grief! These days I just do things because I want to.

Lisa the only time I buy something is when I am looking for something in specific as a tool or to compliment my business. I tend to deal with people know if possible, otherwise I am looking to know who I am dealing with. Sending me "exclusive offers' in the email is a sure way to get completely ignored and disreagarded as a competent professional every time.

Arthur I don't know what your talking about, when I look at an orange I see orange! Maybe you see blue...LOL(just couldn't help myself!) My previous comment on taking the discussion to a whole new level...maybe it wasn't in your reality all I know is thats some deep **** your talking and most people I know physically would look at me like I was totally crazy even I even began to speak of such things! I am amazed and blown away by the open mindedness and wisdom of the people here in this group. When I look at or think about the comments thus-far into the discussion you are all definetly REAL.
Jan 29th 2008 20:34   
Rebecca Beasley Committed   Consultant, Web Designer, Script Set Up
Whoa deep discussion Garnet. I guess it all goes back to who
we are and a lot of people don't know themselves well enough
to even define that.

How can you be real if you don't know what real is?

Do we really KNOW anyone other than ourselves? Even a spouse
can seem like a stranger at times.
When you introduce yourself, how do you go about it? Do you say
your name and then say what you do? Or do you have a simple definition
for who you are that's real?


Jan 29th 2008 23:39   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Garnet,

"when I look at an orange I see orange! Maybe you see blue..."

That's exactly my point - you might be seeing orange as blue or I might be seeing blue as orange but, since we see the same colour each time we look, and since the object has not changed, we will both claim to be seeing orange - while one of us isn't.

I do realise the frivolity with which you introduced this topic and, while there are serious points to be made and considered, it gave me the opportunity to take a subject and develop a theory that, surprisingly enough, holds water!

It is unfortunate that reality relates not only to physical appearance but also to emotional feelings. Many people do create their own form of reality in order to escape from a miserable existence.

For me, reality is being able to step sideways and enjoy the view from a different perspective but whether the people I view consider themselves to be real or not, to fit into MY reality they have to be real to ME.

Being a curmugenly Old Coot, some people who consider themselves 'real' don't impact upon me at all because I do not recognise them - no matter how much they scream "I'm real!", "I'm real!".
Jan 30th 2008 03:48   
Wendy Senior   
Oh this is way over my head

Feb 2nd 2008 22:21   
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