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The story of the boy who wanted to buy a puppy

by Joseph Botelho Investing One Gram at a Time
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
January 18, 2008


The story of the boy who wanted to buy a puppy.

I came across this short story of boy who wanted to buy a puppy, but he wanted a certain puppy.  I found this be a very interesting and unbelievable lesson to be learned, from this young man. I just had to share it, with all of us here.......

One day an eight-year-old boy went to the pet store with his dad to buy a puppy.  The store manager showed them to a pen where five little furry balls huddled together.

After a while, the boy notice one of the litter all by itself in an adjacent pen.  The boy asked. "Why is that puppy all alone?"

The manager explained, "That puppy was born with a bad leg and would be crippled for life, so we're going to have to put him to sleep,"

"You're going to kill this little puppy?" the boy said sadly while patting it.  "You have to realize that this puppy would never be able to run and play with a boy like you."

After a short conversation with his boy, the dad told the manager that they wanted to buy the puppy with the bad leg.  "For the same amount of money, you could have one of the 'healthy' ones, Why do you want this one?"

To answer the manager's question, the boy bent over and pulled up the pants on his right leg, exposed the brace underneath and said, "Mister, l want this one because l understand what he's going through."

How many of us would have reacted like this young man, strange that things have to happened to us before we can accept people for who and what they are.....we do have a lot to learn from one another..
Jan 19th 2008 08:07

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
A great story. Shows what happens when you make assumptions
Jan 19th 2008 08:12   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
WE all have that ability of putting our foot in our mouths............most of the time it happens so fast and we don't even know we have done it again....
Jan 19th 2008 08:13   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Kids are curious. Kids are watching ants while us adults are stepping on them.

This kid knew exactly what he wanted and knew why he wanted it, because in his mind he looked at the puppy and knew eaxctly what it needed, but not how it looked.

There is a great lesson here to be learned if you just think about the the above story and see how many times you have seen how humans react in situation of the one above......

We only see what we want to see and most of the time miss the real picture that is front of us....
Feb 3rd 2008 09:39   
Wendy Senior   
That sent shivers up my spine for some reason

As for the ablility of putting one's foot in your mouth I am real flexible I can put either one in

We do have to learn to accept others for what they are

Feb 3rd 2008 09:45   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hi Wendy,

Some how l believe you have that incredible ability to do that. Yes we only see what we want to see, and turn our heads the other way if we don't like what we see.....

This young man understands the true menaing of giving, providing and saving a life.

But the part of that story that made the most sense was, when the dad said we will pay the same amount for this puppy as we would for the healthy one. That is so powerful, means that people has the same value to them as a the healthy one.......That stood out the most l shared this with my son and daughter and they both pointed it out to me what l have just said.........the value is the same.................
Feb 3rd 2008 09:56   
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