Quality Content Writers Group

The dark days of January

by June Mac
June Mac Advanced  
Come January here in England, the days are short and dark. Often they are wet and cold and occasionally frosty or snow filled,you never can tell as we have the most changeable weather here. I live in the North East part of England which is a little colder than the south so we tend to get the worst in the way of rotten days. When January arrives and the Christmas and New Year celebrations have left  nothing but wrapping paper, packaging,empty bottles and wasted food we begin to look forward to a new year and for myself, springtime. Many people feel really low at this time of the year but I like to dwell on the new beginnings of Spring as it lifts my spirit. Watching for the snowdrops and the changes as they happen. Lookig after the birds in the garden and making sure they have food and water .

January is a time of resolutions and new beginnings for us all but to achieve them we need to see further than the dark days and keep picturing the spring. Watch for each tiny positive change and thoroughly enjoy it.

Whatever your resolution is, I wish you much look and hope you will enjoy all the benefits as they arrive in 2008

good luck and happy new year


Leaving Winter Behind (c) J. Mac 2006


light as a feather

like the warm kiss of a tropical breeze

sweeping and clearing debris.

sunlight floods within - wakening the child

to delight once more in butterflies.

tiny shoots of joy blossom and bud,

then flower in delicate petals of possibility.

A dawning of dreams, blanket grey memories

beneath the green of a new day.

A new season has warmed me in its breath,

softened dry lips that had forgotten how to kiss,

and opened deaf ears to a new love song.

I shed the heavy coat of winter darkness

to run barefoot in spring with you.
Jan 2nd 2008 05:11

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June Mac Advanced   
I can't believe I have written Look instead of luck ... Hehehe ... sorry everyone
Hugs June x
Jan 2nd 2008 05:13   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Beautiful poem, that a real talent you have. thanks for sharing with us!
Jan 2nd 2008 05:27   
June Mac Advanced   

Thanks Cheryl, thats kind of you
Jan 2nd 2008 06:47   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi June,

I remember those dark cold winter days in the UK - lived in several areas, so
the weather was changeable.

Like you, I love the spring flowers. Although we don't have snow in Melbourne
-well, very occasionally, like every 15 years or something, I still have lots
of daffodils and jonquils, snowdrops and bluebells in my garden.
Spring is a beautiful time of year.
Jan 2nd 2008 19:04   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hi June,

Spring is definetly my favorite time of year too! I'm not sure whether it's the april runoff, the seemly tamer wildlife, the New Growth.....then again maybe we're just glad to see that 4 feet of snow disappear!!
Jan 5th 2008 21:11   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi June....

glad to meet you by reading such an uplifting article and your poetry is wonderful!

I hope you're able to most more of your poetry soon
Jan 6th 2008 00:48   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
post more of your poetry! not most more! LOL
Jan 6th 2008 00:48   
David Schupbach Senior   
I am completely captivated by the poetry, and the article is good too. Maybe because I am by nature a springtime person.
Poetry you have written is welcome here, in case anyone else wants to take a stab....

Just before I came over to check on the group and saw this, I had just posted a personal blog containing a Zen Koan I wrote today, so maybe it's something in the earth's atmosphere today?

Thanks for being here with us June, and thanks for sharing!! D
Jan 6th 2008 14:09   
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