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New Wave Marketing vs Old School Systems

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
We keep hearing (and seeing) all about "new" marketing methods.  What are these new marketing methods?  In most cases they are simply "old school" systems polished up and re-packaged into "something different".  But when you get right down to the bare bones, it's the same old song with a different beat.  I've seen all sorts of marketing "systems".

They only way to successfully market anything is:
Learn your product and opportunity-get a firm handle on the basics and religiously use them

Set your focus-call it a goal, intent, vision whatever you want.  But have your focus in place and not the money

Work-Nothing worthy comes cheap.  You must work to achieve your end.  That means  systematic focused activity targeted toward achieving an end result.

There are hundreds of marketers out there that are working hard and getting nowhere because they have no focus.  Then there are those who have a focus but no activity to get them there. Lastly you have the group who have focus and activity but they have not taken the time to learn the basics.

To put it in simple easy to understand terms.

You have a hole in the ground and a pile of rocks 50 yards away.  The person who has set this task says let me show you how to do it, they pick up a rock in each hand walk over and drop them in the hole. Your goal is to fill that hole with the pile of rocks.  There are a few ways you can go about this task.

You can stand there and say I have to put these rocks in the hole and do nothing(focus with no activity)

You can stand by the pile of rocks and throw them all around you in every direction(activity with no focus)

You can stand by the pile of rocks and throw them at the hole.  Some will go in some will land scattered around the hole. (Focus and activity without using the basics)

Or you can duplicate the system pick up a rock in each hand walk over and drop them in.

The last person is focusing on making each of his rocks count by following a proven system, instead of just hoping he will get lucky and have a rock land in the hole. That is all marketing is really filling a hole with rocks, the question is in how you fill the hole.
Dec 30th 2007 10:07

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Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi. Cheryl,

Marketing has been around for thousands of years and there simply are no new ways of doing it.

Your main producer of results is that horrible four letter word - work.

If you have a specific task, like filling a hole with rocks sometimes, if that becomes your focus, you lose the opportunity to get better value and profit out of the rocks and the hole as independent, viable products or rersources.

You have to be so familiar with your product and be able to see where the hole could be sold and the rocks re-invested or re-directed. I love diversification where the same products can serve multiple purposes. I also love being able to stand back and ask "Why"

Why am I doing this?
Why am I doing it this way?
Why can't it be done another way?
Why don't the results gell?
Why does everybody try to re-invent the wheel?

Finally, why does everybody assume marketing on the internet is different?
Are they really THAT stupid?
Dec 30th 2007 11:11   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
But the point being here, if you know absolutely nothing about filling a hole with rocks the first thing is learning the basics. to do that you must duplicate. As you become more knowledgeable you will find other options such as incorporating a wheelbarrow into your task, but first you must know how to get the rocks to the hole.
Dec 30th 2007 11:49   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
... and thern there's the entrepenuer who says - "I'll pay someone else to put the rocks in the hole while i go and find another hole to fill..." :o)

But seriously, thats a great article Cheryl especially during this Christmas / New Years period... We tend to slacken off during this time...
Dec 30th 2007 13:36   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hi Cheryl,

When your focused you will succeed cause you know what you have to do and you know the required steps to get you to where need or what to accomplish. Goals are like a game plan without it you have no idea where to start or what to do. But when you look at your goal or game plan it has direction or advise to help you achieve the task..............:)
Dec 30th 2007 14:36   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Most new marketers are fair game for the guru's. There are so busy looking for the "easy route" that they have failed before they have even begun. They will be running off in every direction the guru tell them to run instead of looking at the basics.
Dec 30th 2007 15:47   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Arthur's right, as usual - 'work' is the best way to get results in marketing. :-)

That and being focussed on your goal. Remaining focussed as long
as it takes is the really hard part.

Since I'm by nature an impatient person, it's difficult for me to stay the
course, but I'm working on it.
Dec 30th 2007 19:30   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Totally agree. I think thats where cheryl was going with the original article.
Dec 30th 2007 20:38   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
There are certain things you must do to succeed. It does not matter what business opportunity you are in. Set a goal, duplicate to learn then use what you've learned to create focused activity. You cannot skip any of the steps.

All too often guru's are telling people don't set goals. So if they don't have a goal how will they focus their activity to get them where they want to be.

They are told don't use duplication so now they not only have no idea of where they want to be but not even the slightest idea on how to get there.

Last the guru is promising it will come easy, prospects are going to beat down the door to get to them while they are running around dazed and confused.

And then.....they fail. The gurus tell them no its not your fault you failed, it's the duplication, you set yourself up for failure by setting a goal, your opportunity is a scam.

Before any one of those guru's try to tell me anything at all about my business, let me see the proof that they have been a part of it, worked it and had success at it. Otherwise they are just trying to sell me their own excuses for failure.
Dec 30th 2007 21:31   
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