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PC Cops Strike Again!

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
Once again Political Correctness rears it's ugly head and shoots down common sense.  This time they have struck in the "City of Brotherly Love" , I guess there's no love lost in Philadelphia for people who are not mindless PC Zombies.

The current victim is Mr Joseph Vento, owner of Geno's Steaks.  It seems Mr Vento stepped out of line by posting a sign in his popular South Philly eatery stating " This is America: When ordering, Please speak English."   According to the Philadelphia Commission on Human Rights this equals discrimination.  It couldn't possibly be due to the fact that Mr Vento's employees speak and understand English?  After all it's a diverse neighborhood which would tend to suggest that more than one language is spoken by the members of that population.

So what exactly is the logic behind this complaint?  There's nothing saying that he won't serve you, he simply wants you to order in English.  What is the official language of America?  English that's right.  So where is the problem in expecting a resident of America to speak English?  Perhaps Mr Vento is expected to go out of his way to find employees to speak every language in the world,  just in case?

And now what does this mean for the rest of us who own businesses in America?  Are we to base everything on some outlandish politically correct guidelines requiring us to bend over backward to avoid even a hint of discrimination?  Are we looking at litigation for decisions based on running our businesses efficiently?  I guess logic and reason must take a back seat to bowing and scraping.
Dec 16th 2007 11:33

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Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Yes i can just imagine someone placing an order in a foreign language and saying "I'm allergic to peanuts" and the shop owner understanding enough to make the order but not enough to hear the allergy part.

The shop owner protects themselves by placing a sign up requesting orders to be placed in English and PC steps in and takes that protection away...

Who pays the law suit when when someone dies from a food allergy ?
Dec 16th 2007 12:10   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Only in America do we punish someone for insisting that his customers use the official language. I can just about see how well the business will run when everyone in the line speaks a different language. No one except mega corporations can afford to hire employees that speak every known language.

After all air traffic controllers must all speak English. Why the common language? Because it wouldn't do for a Spanish pilot to have a Dutch air traffic controller tell him he's about to run into another plane in Dutch, there needs to be a common language to avoid misunderstandings.
Dec 16th 2007 12:20   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
As stupid as this whole thing is....one could argue that his sign could have been more descriptive or tactful...lol
Dec 16th 2007 13:25   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
hmmmm, well yes that would be more politically correct, Garnet!
Dec 16th 2007 13:34   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Don't think it will be long before that happens here too!
Already there is too much in other languages when our official
language is English.
If that sounds racist, sorry, it isn't. I believe in speaking the
language of the country you are in - well trying anyway.
Dec 16th 2007 15:07   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
True but he did say please. The thing is that it is his business. I would not go to another country and expect it to be my due for them to bend over backwards to accommodate me. After all English is the official language in the U.S. Business should be conducted in English. If it wasn't for all this PC accommodate everyone except the citizens crap, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

If you go to get a driver's license and you can't read the test, the DMV will provide you with a translator. Maybe it's just me but how stupid is that. They can't read the test so you are going to give them license to drive on the streets where they may have to read a road sign to avoid an accident. PC Crap endangering the lives of everyone for one person who can't read English and now has no reason to learn.

Give the man a medal for standing up for the official language of his country!
Dec 16th 2007 15:12   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
This is a problem that we have allowed to get out of hand and is one of the most virulent exports America has ever made.

In England the pc brigade are legion - the government has adopted pc and anti racial prejudice to such a degree that it is now possible for an Indian in Exeter to advertise his wares in Urdu or Hindi and refuse to serve an English person with absolutely no fear of retribution.

You see, in England, it is accepted that a coloured person cannot be a racist. That privilege is restricted to us honkies.

That raises another point - I can't call another white man a honkie but a black man can happily call another black man a nigger - indeed, it appears to be a common form of address.

The fact that Santa in Australia has been told not to use Ho!Ho! Ho! in case it offends women shows just how bad the situation is.

The strange thing is, there was none of this until the governments appointed commissions to examine the question of racial prejudice and accepted their recomendations to form official departments to police the situation.

Am I the only one who can see that if my job is to prevent racial discrimination the last thing I actually want to do is to put myself out of a very lucrative position by preventing racial discrimination?

Isn't the same also true of those who are appointed to enforce pc?
Dec 16th 2007 15:35   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Believe me Arthur the first black person to refer to me is a Nigger will be picking his teeth up off of the floor.
Dec 16th 2007 15:47   
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