Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

Helping One Another is what this group is all about...

by Joseph Botelho Investing One Gram at a Time
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
December 14, 2007

Helping One Another is what this group is all about...


I am very proud of each and every member who is part of this group. The main reason l feel this way and why l bring this subject up is because of the good material you all have shared within our group. I have been away from Apsense for several weeks. The reason l took some time away was only because l needed to dedicate myself to some intense training within my everyday job. I had to perform at a pretty high level, needed to concentrate on all these different course l needed to get finished before the deadline today...December 14, 2007. Well l have watched countless hours of video from goal setting, product knowledge, management skills, and so much more that is done through out the year l did it all in a month............

Now that l got that out of the way, makes my wife and family happy she said l was talking in my sleep repeating key phrases over and over I found that hard to believe l think she is making that up, if l was doing that l can't recall doing it.....but she may have had a point....The only thing left is to get my results sometime today, the passing mark is 90% for this entire course. I did it mostly on my free time not sure when l had free time but l found it.....

The articles l have read with this group really made me proud, l was rather surprised to see so many NEW articles written well l was away. That means one thing this group has good direction and great members with really solid administrators who kept this group alive and well with out me around. That makes me really proud and happy to see the results and as well as all the new members who joined this group on their own. We welcome you to share your thoughts, ideas, concepts or anything that you make have on your mind we are here to really help one another become the best we can be............

I would also like to Wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and very happy New Year and may all your dreams and goals come true............Have a safe and happy holidays..............really enjoy the time with your loved ones during these holidays do something special for them, show them how much you really appreciate what they provide you with during the year and every hour, minute and second you spend with them........not by spending money either, you really have to do it......One of the best christmas gifts l ever got was from my daughter when she was 6 years old.  There is not a day that l don't read it..................She wrote me a letter and here is what she said in that letter.

To Daddy,

I am sorry that you didn't get a gift from me.

Have a Merry Christmas l am not being funny and this is not a joke

have Happy New Year.

from me.....

Not bad from a six year can you put a price tag on something like this l keep this letter in front of me in my home office and l look at it, read it and it always makes me smile......
Dec 14th 2007 10:44

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Well we're are glad to have you back! Have a great Holiday.
Dec 14th 2007 10:49   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Thank you Cheryl,

Glad to be back doing what l love doing.............
Dec 14th 2007 10:50   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Now don't do that to us again young man or we will send out the cavalry!
Just give us a little warning :-)
Dec 14th 2007 11:25   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
thank you for the warning...........l will provide a warning...........your funny.....!!!

Here is a quote for our group...

"WE ALL NEED TO LEARN TO HIDE OUR NEEDS AND SHOW OUR SKILLS"..... that is how we can measure our success..........
Dec 14th 2007 11:36   
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