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The Wine's All Bottled Ready For Christmas

by Jean DAndrea Retired
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Well, finally I can sit down at the PC and enjoy a little time browsing at Apsense!
Just spent the morning shopping, and then bottling the wine I've had fermenting
for a few months.

I'm really happy with the fig wine - it's turned into a sweet liqueur type - very nice
after dinner type drink.    Might keep all of that for my partner and myself.

The grape juice based wine was a bit of an experiment, as I used the juice only,
instead of the fruit.   It's turned out to be a very dry white, which isn't really to
my taste.    Not to worry, I've added some glucose to it, to smooth it and sweeten
it, so it's at least drinkable.  

Another thing I can do with it is blend it with some of my other wine - that often
turns out to be something special.   You just have to experiment.

One things for sure, there will be no shortage of drinks in this house over the
holiday season - there must be about 25 litres of different wines in the old
fridge in the garage.    Hic.hic.....giggle....hic......
Dec 11th 2007 20:36

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David Schupbach Senior   
Wow, haven't drank anything in several months, but that set my mouth watering.!
Dec 11th 2007 20:42   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
I've never touched a drop of alcohol... but that fig wine sounds tempting... do you ship to Tasmania :o)
Dec 11th 2007 20:48   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Are you going to have a BJ Christmas tree this year?
Dec 11th 2007 21:02   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Sorry Eric, don't send it anywhere - might explode! It's not exactly
light alcohol content..... :-)

Mo, I've sampled all the wines I bottled today, and I'd like some
more fig, but gotta save it for later........

No Cheryl, no Christmas tree - I actually don't celebrate Christmas
anymore. Just enjoy the family visits, etc. It got too commercial.
Dec 11th 2007 21:36   
Mike Hunt Advanced   

I rarely drink, never wine, I picked wine grapes for to many years and you really don`t want to know what goes into the commercial stuff ... lol. Homemade wine though ..... hmmmm .... tempting and fig wine especially sounds almosy yummy, is it Australian Fig?

Christopher J.
Dec 12th 2007 01:04   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
dang...was going to ask for a bottle for xmas
I love wine!
So does my soon to be hubby....I get silly, fun, and very loving....LOL!

Dec 12th 2007 01:54   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Christopher,

Yep, it's Australian fig - picked the figs from my tree and my sister's backyard
trees. We like to use whatever we can. :-)

All those who'd like bottles - sorry, but I'm not allowed to give it away
much anymore - my partner likes to keep it for us. Do take a bottle
to parties we go to though.
Dec 12th 2007 03:18   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, snakesmum,

So - you don't celebrate Christmas, huh?

How many months have you been brewing your wine?
Did it all mature at the time of Christmas by accident?

It sounds to me like you celebrate Christmas the way it should be celebrated. Visits from welcome friends and family, happy conversations around a bottle of tongue loosening liquor and the time to enjoy them.

How many times have I visited people at Christmas only to find the wives too busy in the kitchen to socialise before the seasonal blow out and the men too busy in the kitchen after it for anybody to really get things going. Even after the men have finished the washing up, the indecent consumption of enormous and unusual amounts of food and drink means that everybody is simply too stuffed to play.

Forget the commercial and greed oriented side of Christmas - remember it for what it is - a birthday party. Bring to it the gifts the baby really wants - peace and good will.

Leave the rest to those who think that they want it.
Dec 12th 2007 08:39   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I agree that commercialization and political correctness have pretty much killed the holiday. There are a few around who still remember what it is supposed to be about though.
Dec 12th 2007 09:08   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Arthur and Cheryl,

It's just coincidence that the wine was ready now - I start it when the fruit is
ready on the tree, and bottle when the hydrometer says it's done, and the
taste is right. :-)

You're right though, the proper way to celebrate Christmas, or any religious
holiday of any denomination, is to get together withfamily and friends, spread
peace and goodwill, and for everyone to enjoy themselves.
Dec 12th 2007 14:36   
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