Sharper Focus on QC Tech

My silly question - Html Editors and what have i done wrong?

by Jenny Stewart
Jenny Stewart Professional  
WELL you asked for questions and I certainly have a question.  I am not entirelly sure that I am going to understand the answer though!

Help!   I have just had to set up my very first proper Web page for our annual Arts & Crafts Fair.  As a totally html challenged individual, I decided the best thing to do would be to use an html editor on Design mode

I managed to upload all the pages onto my ftp and with a great deal of patience and help on the Yahoo from Arthur (Old Coot - must mean wise bird) got it to work!!LOL

       Here it is   (there is a version in English)

I used Evrsorft First Page to set it up and then tried Dreamweaver to modify it.   Well it is finally uploaded BUT when I go back to Dreamweaver it has gone a funny shape although in Evrsoft it looks ok and also on the Web. 

And as I have to keep updating all the pages .............I am not sure what to do next!!

And I have to add a jpg map which is saved in its proper place but doesnt want to upload etc etc.

Does anyone have an IDIOTS guide to Evrsoft or Dreamweaver (preferably Evrsoft) that I can lay my hands on?

Any suggestions, apart from jumping off a bridge, will be welcomed.


p.s.   have just discovered the color picker!!  THAT is fun
Nov 25th 2007 12:59

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Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
Just letting you know, I wish I could help but I haven't a clue.
Nov 25th 2007 16:41   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Well at least you didn't suggest that i jump off a bridge1

Come on - someone out there must understand all this - because I sure dont!
Nov 25th 2007 16:48   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Jenny,

Why not go for something that is a lot easier to understand. There are some excellent HTML editors out there that cost nothing (I love free!) and there is a plethora of free web site builders, templates and graphics packs.

One of the easiest editors to use is free from and it is great for sampling your web site code to identify where an error might be. It also does not create the masses of redundant code that many so-called professional editors do.

I have several free web site builders that are more like point and click applications.

If you want to spend some money, I am also affiliated to several web site building programmes - but I always send people there last because those are for customers - not for friends.
Nov 26th 2007 03:16   
David Schupbach Senior   
Jenny I would go with Arthur on this, mark is gone to Las Vega for a trade show. Eric will give you some useful tips too. I am a 'techdummy' so can't advise. I know there are some really good editors for free like Arthur says.... Let me go look at your site....
Nov 26th 2007 04:29   
David Schupbach Senior   
Jenny, Arthur is right! (again) :-) has some great tools. I went to and created a site in about 10 min. I am not sure they would be the best site for what you are wanting to do, but the editor was extremely easy to use, and required very little HTML.

Go to to see what I did.

The slide show I created over at Http:// If you have several pics for the show, you might want to use that. when you are done creating, they give you the embed code you save to your computer using notepad, or such, so you always have it when you find a new place you want to post it. Another thing about, whenever you go to their site and update your show, it automatically updates it on all the sights where you have placed the widget...
Nov 26th 2007 05:08   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Arthur, I am going to have to try the site you suggested. Ever time I edit it - something that worked goes wrong! LOL

Dave - I am going to look at the wetpaint site - I love the name

Hope Eric or Mark come and save me!

Right now I am drowning under a sea of Christmas angels and it is going to have to be EASY!

Nov 28th 2007 07:17   
David Schupbach Senior   
Jenny, scratch the wetpaint idea, it asks for a user password you would have to share with everyone who wanted to look at the site. I didn't realize it until I had logged out and went back as a visitor. However, check my ABC, look at the slide show. I think if you had pictures of the angels on a slide show like the one on my ABC, you would have a GREAT presentation. You can make the slideshow at and when you are done they give you an embed code you place in any HTML page. You can even place it multiple places on the web, and edit each one from the lide page. D

Dec 2nd 2007 18:59   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Jenny,
You would probably be better off to stick with one or the other since each of the programs have their own idiosyncricies. Dreamweaver is not well known for actually letting you see the CSS that you have applied to the page until you upload it and I am not really familiar with Evrsoft FirstPage. I did notice that when you switch from Spanish to English one of your images lost it's link and the alignment has been switched from Center to Left. When using NVU, it will add some additional code to your pages that some browsers don't know how to interpret correctly, but for a free editor, it is well worth it!
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Dec 4th 2007 09:15   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Thanks Dave,

I am going to look at the NVU site of Arthurs and see if I can transfer the Christmas Arts and Craqfts Fair there for now - as I am running out of time!!

I will look at your suggestions for the slide show for my own web page though and see if I can figure that out. I have one for my Biz Centre here - but that is not transferrable. Will check yours out. - that could be a great improvement to my site.

Dec 4th 2007 11:18   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi there MK,

Thank heavens you are back! LOL

I think you have found the problem - the two editors are not compatible!!. I am going to have to go back to the drawing board on that one and see if I can figure it out.

Then I guess Ii will have to find my self an editor that i can handle!! LOL

After the Christmas Fair I will go and check all the suggestions you have and see if Ii can sort something out for the computer illeterate that actually has enough features to be worthwhile.

Thanks to you
Dec 4th 2007 11:21   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Just some feedback

Thanks to everyone for your help

I am now using Nvu/KompZer as my html editor. It is open source free and is fantastic. It is simple enough for me to use with a great WYSIWYG option and and has enough flexibility that you can do some nice design stuff on it!

Thanks again

Mar 25th 2008 20:05   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Jenny,

I'm glad that you have discovered the flexibility and value of Nvu.

Don't forget, also, that by using Nvu you do away with the need for a separate FTP client - Nvu does the lot.

If you have a web page that you want to edit in Nvu, it can also open it, edit it and publish the amendments.

So you can see how powerful this is, I now use Nvu to edit My Local Gazette - and my version has over 70,000 pages. All new editors are being trained to use Nvu - it is so easy the training is minimal.
Mar 26th 2008 04:28   
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