Practical Tips For Business Builders

Focus on What You Do Best

by Thea Westra Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique...
A good way to decide what to do with tasks is to label them as they
come in - don’t let them pile up.

A great system is the 4-D Formula:

1. DO IT - these are urgent tasks that need to be taken care of right away. Take action immediately and finish the task.

DELEGATE IT - these are things that need to be done, but don’t have to
be done by you. Hand these over to someone else immediately so you
don’t have to think about them at all. Make that person responsible for
these tasks from start to finish.

3. DEFER IT - these things need to
be done, but not right away. Put them in a pile marked “later” and
handle them after the urgent tasks have been completed.

4. DUMP IT -
these are things that you don’t want to do and don’t necessary have to
be done at all. On your computer it’s the ever-present “delete” key.
That handles our junk e-mail.

As you really get going on your
primary aim, the workload is going to increase. If you are a person who
wants complete control of every little thing in your life and business
you’re going to be in trouble.

Control is an illusion. No one controls
anyone or anything. You will need to continue to focus on your primary
goal and allow others to help you. It will help to practice the 4-D

Nov 13th 2007 04:44

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Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
gone to delete my email..LOL
Nov 13th 2007 07:37   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
My problem is having too much in the DO

Thanks for the insight..
Time for reflection
Nov 13th 2007 08:28   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
That's the best way to success of your business... But, in this era of selfishness and loneness who to delegate it? That's one of my problems in my online and offline business. In the past 4 years I have changed by firing about 40 people in my construction company, but I have now 3 good and stable workers and partners.
Nov 13th 2007 10:52   
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