APSense Site Review and Website Help

Honest Opinions please

by Theresa
Theresa Advanced  
I am looking for some honest feedback on my site healthyfishies
(you do not have to register to look)

Healthyfishies is a health and wellness community where people can come and share openly about disease, natural cures, organics, green information and more by blogging, writing articles and posting in the forum.

What I am asking feedback for is --

1) does the site work? generally speaking, does it convey adequately what the site is about?
2) do the banners seem distracting from the main purpose of the site?
3) Is it asthetically pleasing or too drab or overdone?
4) Is it BORING or does it convey some fun aspects-- I dont want a stuffy site.
5) Is it welcoming ?
6) Is it easy to manuever around to find the information you seek?
7) anything else you wish to add :)

The forum

1) is it pleasing to the eye? or too distracting?
2) is it well balanced as far as the sections?
3) Is it easy to find your way around?
4) anything else you wish to add :)

constructive criticism is more than welcome

thanks friends :-)

Nov 7th 2007 20:13

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Theresa Advanced   
ok green text is gone :-)
Nov 21st 2007 18:20   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
One more comment?

I prefer to use a _Blank target on my links so they open a new window (or tab). That way, even though your visitor has gonoe off to another site (hopefully one of your affiliate sites or sales pages!) they can still come back to the beginning (which is where you want them anyway!) If they find one thing they like, there is a great chance they will find more on your site!

BTW I see you are a Big Fish Games member too! How have you been doing with that? Last time I checked I was ranked at 18 or 19.
Nov 21st 2007 18:46   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
1) does the site work? generally speaking, does it convey adequately what the site is about?
2) do the banners seem distracting from the main purpose of the site?
3) Is it asthetically pleasing or too drab or overdone?
I'd remove the grey line of "Healthy Fishies Information to help you live", under the Welcome to Healthy Fishies.
I'd enlarge the main title in the orange section at top, and under that a line to say "Information To Help You LIve!"
I'd reduce the size of Home, Blogs, Forum etc and have these in a single line across the top.
Remove the border altogether from Ads by Google and have the links the same orange as your own. Have a few more ads, 3 or 4.
Place the copyscape button at the bottom.
Have Blog Corner looking the same as Latest News and Main Menu and remove the description for Blog Corner.
Have Copyright at the bottom and doesn't need description nor underline. The circled 'C' and year plus your name, is sufficient.
4) Is it BORING or does it convey some fun aspects-- I dont want a stuffy site.
It's not at all stuffy and looks fun.
5) Is it welcoming ?
Very, with the warm colorings.
6) Is it easy to manuever around to find the information you seek?
7) anything else you wish to add :)

The forum

1) is it pleasing to the eye? or too distracting?
2) is it well balanced as far as the sections?
3) Is it easy to find your way around?
4) anything else you wish to add :)
No, I love it.

Nov 21st 2007 18:56   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Fishie,

Yes, I think that's better, as the two greens aren't clashing with each
other now. I like the dark gray.
Nov 21st 2007 19:10   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, fishie,

What fabulous improvements! I'm really impressed with the new look and some of the great feed back you have had.

The only thing I am not too sure about is this Copy Scape banner. You tell people NOT to do something and the chances are that they will if they can.
Nov 21st 2007 23:54   
Theresa Advanced   
Thanks Mark!
I will certainly have to go through my links and add that little tidbit of code. Thanks so much!

OH WOW Thea!!
Great advice - I appreciate your feedback and since I am still in the process of the "facelift" this will be easy to implement. AWESOME-- thank you so very very much!

Nov 22nd 2007 11:04   
Theresa Advanced   
Thanks Jean, you are right about the grey, now that I changed it - I like a whole lot better. :-)

Cootsy! I appreciate your feedback and I am thrilled that you like the changes. As for the copyscape banner --- I thought of that too - LOL! Maybe it is adding an additional temptation, eh?
There are ways to prevent the copy/paste plagiarist, but I havent figured it out yet *blush*


If you think of anything else, Please do not hesitate to post! :-)
Nov 22nd 2007 11:08   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, fishie,

You could try putting this bit of script at the start of each page:-

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- function click() {
if (event.button==2) {
alert('This is fishie's site Copy Prohibited. You really don't want an angry fishie on your case!')
document.onmousedown=click //--></SCRIPT>

Try it on one page to see if it works.

Nov 22nd 2007 11:50   
Theresa Advanced   
Thanks Cootsy, but it didn't work. I did see it when i looked at page source, but not on right click. I might have to mess with it a bit more :-)
Nov 22nd 2007 15:30   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Sorry about that fishie - this does work

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--
function click() {
if (event.button==2) {
alert('Copy Prohibited. Violations WILL be Prosecuted!')

Nov 22nd 2007 16:26   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Try this one. It works on both IE and Firefox.

<script language=JavaScript>

//Disable right mouse click Script
//By Maximus (maximus@nsimail.com) w/ mods by DynamicDrive
//For full source code, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com

var message="Function Disabled!";

function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

// -->

Nov 22nd 2007 19:10   
Theresa Advanced   
Thanks to both of you...sadly, neither of them are working for me :(

Cootsy, maybe it is working on IE, I was using FF-- could that by why?

Mark, that looks like I need to use it on the entire site for it to work, not just a page html ? Like to change the template html?

Nov 22nd 2007 20:17   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Fishie,
Simply add the following code to the <BODY> section of your web page. This should be located in the Header or Template.html\php file.
Nov 22nd 2007 20:25   
Theresa Advanced   
That's what I was trying to ask, but the words got in the way - ROFLOL!!

Thanks sweets.
Nov 22nd 2007 21:04   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
You can change the message between the " and " in this string

var message="Function Disabled!";

to whatever you want, so instead of saying "Function Disabled!"

It could say "STOP Potential Thief!!"
Nov 22nd 2007 22:56   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
I had over-looked the fact that there are many different browsers out the and I believe FireFox does not 'see' this bit of code. I'm going to have to check all my sites to ensure they are protected.

Thanks to MKWeb for the FF + IE version.
Nov 23rd 2007 03:50   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Thanks OC,
I can't take credit for that code, it came from Dynamic Dive. As for browsers, Opera doesn't see it at all so you cannot block them if they are using that.
Nov 23rd 2007 08:54   
Shanni Einer Advanced   
I Think It Looks Very Informative, Yes Inviting & Welcoming. Looks Like You've Done A Great Job And Care About The Work You Do.
May 28th 2008 00:52   
Indrit Shkodra Senior   
Nice design, but the left sidebar seem to have a problem when displaying "blogs out of the fishbowl",it is being displayed too low( from ff2). I don't know whats that javascript code about, maybe you could tell more.

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