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by Margaret Elmendorf
Margaret Elmendorf Senior  
I know it is a little early to be thinking about Thanksgiving which of course is celebrated in the US but maybe all the Europeans would like to hear what goes on around here for the Big Turkey day.

I don't do a lot for Thanksgiving cause I am by myself, except for all my animals, have don't have any family close by. I do cook for myself and of course the animals that can eat people food.

I would love to hear about what everyone else has planned for Thanksgiving this year. Is the whole family coming over to eat, and what is going to be eaten. Hopefully the neighbor's turkey isn't going to be eaten. I have a friend who goes out and kills a wild turkey for the Thanksgiving dinner. Don't like to hear things like that, but it happens and not much I can do about it.

What kind of other dishes are being prepared??

So let us know.
Nov 7th 2007 13:20

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I'm going to miss my fried turkey this year. That got to be tradition while I was in Florida. I haven't heard any talk about it in Texas. Maybe I'll have to get a turkey fryer next time I go to Florida and start a tradition here!
Nov 7th 2007 13:31   
Margaret Elmendorf Senior   
Cheryl, I bet you money you could get a Turkey fryer in Texas. We have them in S.C. so they must have them in Texas. Hope you can find one cause those fired turkeys are delicious.
Nov 7th 2007 14:11   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
We don't have Thanksgiving here in Australia. All I know about it is from books, TV and movies. I'd love to hear what people have planned.
Nov 9th 2007 21:47   
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