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Hi Everyone

by Dave Beaman
Dave Beaman Advanced  
I want to thank Valerie for inviting me to join this group. You will have to forgive me if I am sometimes delayed in responding to, and adding, postings.

My position as the Chancellor of The Saint John Catholic Church, Inc. keeps me very busy. We are an independent catholic church, not under the authority of Rome.

My office is responsible for advising the Archbishop; handling all administrative matters of the church; managing domestic and international missionary operations; managing all fund-raising activities, grant-writing and businesses that generate income for our ministries; all Internet-related matters; managing our seminary, including our online, distance learning program; all banking activities of the church; and more.

I also have to support myself since our clergy, like St. Paul was, are self-supporting. We don't take from the church; we give to it.

I have supported myself for the past 10 years through web-marketing, mainly through niche sites. I also operate a couple of traffic exchanges, but all income from them goes to feed and educate children and youth who are the poorest of the poor in Burundi, Africa.

I am happily married with 4 grown sons and 5 grandchildren. I travel a lot to Africa, Eastern Europe and within the United States on church business.

Well, that's enough about me. I am happy to be a member of this group and wish everyone here God's blessing.

-Rev. Dave
May 31st 2007 08:52

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Tina Schraier Advanced   Professional Network Marketer, Affi
IDear Reverand,

Hello, I am new here and am new to internet marketing. I understand how busy you must be so glad that your a part of this group. I Appreciate your time,
I partnered with an interenet company that assists non - profits in raising funds.
I am intrigued with your story of how you have been able to create funds marketing in niche sites . What niche sites are you referring to if you dont mind me asking. I am not competition I am sure by any means, just trying to learn how to maximize income with my affiliate business that helps non - profits, any tips to an internet newbie ? Also your comment about search engines,
could you go into more detail about those ways of earning income.
I couldnt tell if you have product or services on the search engines or if you own a seo company.

Just to show you I am not competing by any means;
please see;
if you'd like.

Maybe we can talk again sometime if your not to busy.

In service,

Tina Schraier .
May 31st 2007 11:09   
Albert Morin Advanced  
Rev. Dave

Good to see your post!

Pray more will come to know of you and your ministries.

May we all strive to do more for our fellow man ...

your brother through Christ,
Dr. Albert I. Morin, N.D.

Jun 1st 2007 22:15   
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