Practical Tips For Business Builders

Free eBook about setting up an ezine

by Thea Westra Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique...
Here is a free eBook from me, titled "Zen And The Art Of Ezine Maintenance".
you hang on to the link for this PDF report, you'll automatically have
the latest copy when I make any changes to the information, to update

If you've been considering starting your own ezine and just
cannot think where to begin, download this free ebook. It was written
for you...

Do I do all the things that I have written in this report? No, not all!

Do I know to do all these things that I have written here? Absolutely!

in Zen, the trick is to become one with the activity, to engage in it
fully, to see and appreciate all details - be it hiking in the woods,
penning an essay, or tightening the chain on a motorcycle.

However, you will not find ‘all the details’ here. Just enough to get you on your way.

Enjoy the journey!
Nov 3rd 2007 00:58

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Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
1. Why do I want to start this ezine?
My main goals are to provide quality content on Internet business and marketing to my 10,000 subscribers at the end of June 2008.

2. Why do I want to put out an ezine to … ?
Because is one of the best ways to capture leads.

3. Can I make money with my ezine?
Yes, but it takes long time…

4. How can I make this money?
By selling good quality products/services to my prospects that will become my customers, after they will trust me and will know that I’m not selling crap and junk.

Nov 3rd 2007 10:44   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Awesome Teo. Great job.
Do you mind a bit of coaching on your responses? I'm guessing that it may be why you posted them.

Question 2 relates to Q.1 so I'd suggest rephrasing your response there:
2. Why do I want to put out an ezine to provide quality content on Internet business and marketing to my 10,000 subscribers at the end of June 2008.

You wrote...'Because is one of the best ways to capture leads. ' which, if you really look, is not a heartfelt reply to question 2.

If you were your own coach, what would you be telling yourself about your reply to question 3?
Personally, I'd remove the word 'but', to begin with. :)

Great response to question 4. Can you add yet more?

Nov 3rd 2007 23:22   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Actually, just quickly went to my book, and the third question is:

3. If I want to make money with my ezine, why?
I want this to be able to …

So you may definitely want to rewrite that one, Teo.

Nov 3rd 2007 23:25   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Ok. I just went quickly through your book, and the questions are not exactly yours... About the reason o f having an ezine, this is what most marketers do, they want people to subscribe... but if they do nor offer quality and good content they are lost and loose their potential partners and/or customers.
You're right, but I still think that if you have the best quality content, you can have a lot of people joining. However, with these new blogging and social networking era, I feel like less people care about ezines... Maybe I'm wrong, but nbloga are more attractive and interactive than ezines and old style websites.
What do you think?

Nov 4th 2007 07:49   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
3. If I want to make money with my ezine, why?
I want this to be able to …

I chaged a bit, because I don't know why I want to make money.. ;-)
Nov 4th 2007 07:50   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Thea and Coach,
When it comes to ezines, more and more people are getting savvy in functions that are available and I have found a decrease in my ezine subscribers, while getting an increase in my feed pulls,
What I have done is offer the subscriber a choice. Would they like to receive my newsletter in an email, as a RSS feed or just a reminder that is has been posted to my website?
I STILL get their email address and name in my DB for those out of sync promos that I may send once a month but by adding the RSS feed as an option, I am finding more people will sign up for that.
It comes down to HOW you promote it, email is getting more and more difficult to get past SPAM filters and you need to get visitors to your sites. You can even build a Direct to Desktop app similar to Apsense Express to take this one step farther.
Nov 4th 2007 08:04   
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