The People Group

What the heck are we doing here ANYWAYS?

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
God what a crappy week!  Did you ever have one of them days when it just seemed like you were in a slump all day?  No matter what you did you just couldn't seem to get out of it.  Dull, dumb, un-inspired, un-happy, un-content, lazy and just didn't know what to do next?

And then you got up next day and it was even WORSE!!

That's what my week has been like, it's just seemed like nothing caught my attention this week.  It's asthough I'm walking around and the lights are on but nobody's home!  I haven't felt this way since spring when it rained for weeks on end, the sun never quite peered through the clouds, and Everyone you met was just a total Grump.

What do you do when your in a slump?

How the Heck?!? do you pull yourself out of it?

Maybe if someone would just come around and give my a real good slap in the face, then again, maybe it's just time to get my $h1t in order and get some serious work done!

Come to think of it, it wasn't that bad of a week, if this is what a slump is I can't wait to be on top again..............
Nov 1st 2007 23:41

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I always check first thing in the morning to see if I'm still breathing. If I am it's going to be a wonderful day since things could be worse.....
Nov 1st 2007 23:56   
Claudia Senior   
Hi Garnet,
the only way to leave all this..... THINK POSITIV.
If you are waiting for problems... you will get them (Murphys Law).
Start the day with a smile.
When you are going to the bathroom. smile in the mirror, tell yourself, that you love yourself
(sounds crazy, but works) and that the day will be great.
We are, what we believe.
And in the end of the day... don't think what "BS" happened... think what was positive for your day... sure there are a lot of things.
You'll see... your day will be brightt.
Have a great one.
Nov 2nd 2007 00:02   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Yeah, my problem is I have been pushing so hard for so and then I forget to pay attention to what really matters...can't wait till I don't have to work a J O B anymore!
Nov 2nd 2007 00:05   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Thanks Claudia, and Welcome to the group btw! Sometimes it just takes a little reminder...
Nov 2nd 2007 00:14   
Claudia Senior   
Hi again,
a rich man has spoken this;
" When I'm coming to the office in the morning, I'll make a list of things has to be done today.
than I will cut the 75% which are unimportant and I'll work hard for the 25% remaining."

We all are waisting a lot of time. I think, tha's a good receipe to succeed.
Nov 2nd 2007 01:00   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
I'll have to think about that one a may be on to something there Claudia thanks!
Nov 2nd 2007 01:10   
Lateef Oladeji Advanced   Internet Marketer
Hello, Garnet. It happens like that sometimes for one reason or the other. It could be due to overwork, unrealised goals, family pressure, world problems, etc. Once the source of the 'slumpy' feeling is identified, it becomes manageable. As Cheryl implied, all other problems are minor once there is life. We are here on earth to face different moments, bad or good. It's only the dead that are free from them. Therefore, let us get 'slumpy' to get 'jumpy'. Have a wonderful weekend.
Nov 2nd 2007 04:02   
Shrihari Sawant Senior   Consultant
If I says we are wasting our time will you believe it?
But for your information we are doing lots of things over here
Nov 2nd 2007 12:34   
Theresa Advanced   
I just laff at myself. It seems to work pretty well, although others think I am nutz. LOL

Sometimes, when life is seeming to be a real bummer...force yourself to think about it from another point of view and then LAFF until you cant breathe.

When I feel in a grump ... I tend to literally Growl around for awhile. Then after a bit, I think about how stupid I must sound or how funny I must look blowing my cool over something so tedious.... it always helps to be able to laff at oneself, no matter how serious the situation.

So, here's to you....
Chin up sweets!!
Nov 2nd 2007 13:48   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL!! You guys(and gals) are great! Although I don't see how reminding myself that I'm a "hot chick" will do me much Fishie you are absolutely right about laughn' at oueselves, if this means we're NUTS so be it! I'd rather be joyful in spirit than miserable any day of the week. It's kind of funny, when I starting writing this post, I had something else in mind other than what I ended up posting.....somehow I still got the end result I was looking for, in a manner of speaking. Jeunelle, you and your godiva chocolates..I tell ya!
Nov 2nd 2007 21:46   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Yeah, One HOT MAN with One HOT LADY!!
Nov 2nd 2007 22:01   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
O M G!!!!
Nov 2nd 2007 22:20   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL! If I carried that one on much further I'd be asking for some serious trouble...esspecially since that hot lady is sitting right here!
Nov 2nd 2007 22:36   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Cool, take it easy on the chocolates, eh
Nov 2nd 2007 22:47   
Lee Poulson Advanced   Health Coach
I sometimes ask myself if there is anyone I would like to trade troubles with.
I usually decide to keep what I have.

Garnet, I would almost bet you have a Zig Ziglar tape or two.
I like to listen to the one about “Who Kicked Your Cat”.
It never has failed to make my smile!
It’s going to be a great day!

Nov 2nd 2007 23:47   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Lee, not to sound too cruel or anything, but the title of that Zig Ziglar tape is enough to make me

Nov 3rd 2007 00:00   
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