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The wisdom of a child

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
There's a funny thing about children, they tend to say exactly what's on their little minds without sugar coating it like we adults do. The things they say can be amusing or right on point. And it's always honest. One of the reasons I believe they are so open is because of their innocence. Everything is black and white, no shades of gray for them.

A friend sent me a sampling of some quotes by these younger versions of ourselves and I truly enjoyed them and thought I'd share.

"Never trust a dog to watch your food." -Patrick, age 10
"When your dad is mad and asks you, 'Do I look stupid?' Don't answer." -Hannah, age 9
"Never tell your Mom her diet's not working." -Michael, age 14
"Stay away from prunes." -Randy, age 9
"Don't pull Dad's finger when he tells you to." -Emily, age 10
"When your Mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair." -Taylia, age 11
"Never let your three-year old brother in the same room as your school assignment." -Traci, age         14
"A puppy always has bad breath--even after eating a Tic-Tac." - Andrew, age 9
Nov 1st 2007 20:48

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Penny Young Committed   Consultant
Very cute ... they have such a refreshing view of life.
Nov 1st 2007 21:53   
Theresa Advanced   
hee hee!! cute-- thanks for sharing this Cheryl -- gave me a smile :-)
Nov 1st 2007 23:00   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
A few more additions!

My friend asked our grandson when he would turn 6. He replied, "When I'm tired of being 5."

Seeing her first hailstorm, Mary Sue, age 3, exclaimed, "Mommy, it's raining dumplings!"

Announcing to daughter Lori that her aunt just had a baby and it looked like her uncle, she said, "You mean he has a mustache?"
Nov 2nd 2007 10:31   
moxalot Junior   
That was so cute...

Thank you, I needed a good laugh today..
Nov 2nd 2007 15:10   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I always like to hear what children say. I used to love the old program, "Kids say the darnedest things"
Nov 2nd 2007 15:13   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
My daughter aged three loves making up words. The other day she kept talking about a "little bupple". I asked her what a "little bupple" was, and she said it was "a bit like a bupple, only small". Sorry I asked.
Nov 3rd 2007 03:13   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
When Gayle was small, she heard an older cousin use a rather crude term for breasts. She promptly corrected him and told him they were Ba-Zooms! Everyone fell out laughing!
Nov 3rd 2007 14:49   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
When I was 4 and was learning to read. I lived in Hawaii, and we spent a lot of time at the beach. I can remember seeing a sign 'Do not leave your valuables in the car'.
I can remember seeing that sign...and it was just driving me crazy!!!
So I then asked my dad. ' I just don't get it dad....why can't you leave your vegetables in the car'....ROFL!
I still get picked on for that one!
Nov 3rd 2007 14:55   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
Nov 3rd 2007 18:36   
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