Take a break !! APSense Post a good Joke !!...


by Rebecca Beasley Consultant, Web Designer, Script Set Up
Rebecca Beasley Committed   Consultant, Web Designer,...
Three blonds were in a bar and everytime the bar tender
served them a drink, they stood up and yelled 51!!!

The bartender, annoyed at this but also curious,
asked one of them why they were doing this.

She replied, "We're celebrating the fact that we just
finished a 2 to 3 year puzzle in 51 days!"
May 31st 2007 03:48

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Beth Schmillen Professional   
that is one i've not heard before! he he...

hope to see you posting more of those blonde jokes!

Jun 1st 2007 04:44   
Graham Hunt Advanced   
Two men were sent to measure a flagpole that needed to be replaced. When they got there they realised they had forgotten their ladder. As they stood pondering the problem a blonde walked up and asked what their problem was. They explained.
"No problem" said the blonde, took out an adjustable spanner and undoing the two bolts at the bottom of the pole, laid it on the ground. She then took a tape measure and measured the pole.
24 feet 9 inches she said.
Then with the help of the two men, she stood the flag pole up and, securing the two bolts walked away.
One man turned to the other and said "Typical blonde, we needed the height, not the length
Jun 6th 2007 06:04   
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