Quality Content Writers Group

Bountiful Content And Powerful Inspirations From Guess Who?... Why, Yourself -- Of Course!!!

by Jeff Greene Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing...
Are You Ever In Need Of Good Writing Prompts?

I was looking through the blogsites today for some of my own responses to past blogs and responses to queries and  discussions... and I realized that some of the responses that I came up with might be really good for content and copywriting "Prompts".  Because most of those responses came straight "From the source", or as some people put it, "From off the top of my head",  they were simply written instinctively on the spot and forgotten about...

The discussions probably weren't popular enough to generate a lot of traffic, but some of my responses were still very good... and now they are just sitting there.

You know what I'm going to do about this, right? I'm compelled to go back and get that stuff that I wrote and archive it in my virtual Office... Saving these for the time when I need good ideas for a poem, advertising or even a book... These "Fresh Meat" ideas are simply too good to leave on the table.

What about you, my beloved Apsense Writin' Crew, do you think you've got some good stuff just sitting here and that you've forgotten about it?

Do you find yourself at a loss for ideas and not realize that you've got a treasure trove of great stuff just waiting to be mined?

I believe that this is your GOLD and that you should go back and claim it...

What do you think about that?  I've noticed more than a smattering of very talented writers here at Apsense... These people are pulling much more that their share of the weight, creating vibrant and juicy content whenever they can, to keep this network going...

 The thousands of others just seem to be of the dreaded "Post And Run" habit that I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs...

 Post and Runners will never stay still long enough or be able to post quality content good enough to develop the following that they need to even get people to consider their products. So that's enough of a punishment for them without further dirision from me...

 I am know to provide resources to those who need them or ask for them-- I go looking for stuff, and find it-- Perhaps in response to an active Apsense members query or "Vibe" that I might get from that members presentations...And personality...

 Pretty much in the same way that I appraise and approach my market... Coming to the fore with a resource, product or service that is timely and exactly matches that person's need (This can surprise and delight a person) is a Very Good Thing, even if it won't make you any money, at first...

 In this way, I want to say THANK YOU for accepting my invitation to this very excellent Group. Many of my favorite folks are here, and I feel at home! :)

 My supportive efforts of great writers at Apsense begins as of this moment, too! :)

Everyone who responds to this discussion can have a free Virtual Office if they feel the need for one:

http://thinkfree.com/ It's got all kind of goodies!:)
Oct 26th 2007 13:14

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Thanks for the support and inspiration. It's always welcome
Oct 26th 2007 13:23   
David Schupbach Senior   
Peaceful-- It's good to see that you understand the concept of this group immediately! I came up with the idea for "Quotes at QCWG" this way. I could see all the vibrant, motivating things being said in both blogs and in comments, and decided to put them in a different format. A format that would make members stop and think "Wow, I said that?" If you look at all the motivational, and Inspirational statements that have been recorded down through history, I imagine a great many of them were just spur of the moment, but they resonated somewhere within the listeners.
Great Post! D
Oct 26th 2007 18:52   
Theresa Advanced   
Wow! I must file this in my "virtual filing cabinet" for the time when I finally have enough comments to draw from. This is an incredibly good idea! Yes, I must also admit, I am one of those who has been blessed many times over by the "little goodies" you leave behind in comment boxes, in posts, and in articles. It makes for a wonderful rabbit trail and an even better adventure! Thank you once again!

I think I have mentioned it before that your name should actually be "helpful" LOL
Oct 26th 2007 19:02   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

You guys are making me blush, BIG TIME! :)

Or maybe it's the glass of fine Merlot that i'm going to have later on! :)

A toast to you all! :)
Oct 27th 2007 09:25   
David Schupbach Senior   
Theresa, speaking of rabbit trails, did you catch the one I left in a comment about: "...Google Quality Content Writers and see what you get"? about midway down on the first page! D
Oct 27th 2007 10:43   
Theresa Advanced   
heh, D~ I did follow that rabbit trail!!! I read the AWESOME article, was going to post a comment, but got sidetracked when the train went by and forgot it's passenger - Hahahaha! I ended up joining that site as well...still clueless as to WHAT I am going to do with it though - LOL~ must go back now and post a comment as it is still bookmarked under things to do - Now if I can remember WHERE I saw that in one of your comments - Hmmmm......

Still Laffing My Butt Off----
Oct 27th 2007 10:53   
David Schupbach Senior   
Theresa, it's a good site to raise more awareness of QCWG or anything else you can think of. msg. me if u need help. D
Oct 27th 2007 12:18   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
I know you mentioned posting and running, but to be quite truthful, sometimes my BEST IS in response to someone's blog. I really do have a hard time developing a theme or subject to write about (perhaps just not confident enough in my abilities?), but when I look at some of the responses I've made, whether here or elsewhere, they are concise and to the point. I never thought of "saving" even these little gems.
Oct 28th 2007 19:07   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Go get 'em and save 'em, Mizrae...

There are many Pulitzer winners that were salvaged from previous "toss-away" notes! :)

Also, did you know that the manuscript for "Harry Potter" was rescued from a trashcan by a secretary in a publishing house?

Invite me when you pop the champaigne! LOL!
Oct 29th 2007 15:43   
Robert A, Falace Innovator   
Thank you for accepting my request to become a part of this group. I love to write but have much room for improvement. It seems I get excited and have all these thoughts and ideas in my head and some times, I cannot get them on paper and or know how to connect them to our business. Okay I have a question. What is a Virtual Office?


Dec 12th 2007 16:32   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Hello JoAnn glad to see you made it to the party!
Dec 12th 2007 16:51   
Robert A, Falace Innovator   
Thanks cheryl. It is nice to be here.
Dec 13th 2007 07:43   
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