Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

Focus - Your Power To Create

by Wendy
Wendy Senior  
Unfortunately the majority of people on our lavish little green planet are not happy with their 'lot' in life. They are living lives of quiet desperation, unsatisfied with their relationships, careers or finances.

What is the main reason for this dissatisfaction? The main reason I believe this is so is due to a lack of understanding about the nature of our universe which can be directly linked to our belief conditioning from childhood.

As a child we begin to replicate the conditioning of our parents. A person's beliefs and values are often passed from generation to generation until someone down the generations either has a life-changing experience or consciously reorganises or changes their belief system.

Your beliefs and values determine your focus and a key point I make in all my writings on personal development is the simple truth that "your focus determines your reality". Focus sets in motion the Law of Attraction. (See Wealth Beyond Reason for instructions on using the law of attraction.)

The internal dialogue and imaginings of your mind are guided by your focus and your focus is reflected in your thinking. Your thinking becomes automatic and therefore this becomes your automatic creation system.

If you are not currently living a life that is in correspondence with your desires it is due to your internal automatic creation system being out of alignment with your goals. Simply put this means: Your focus is on what you do not want instead of what you want!

Let's say you have bills piling up everywhere and no way of paying them. When you receive post through the mail what is your first thought? I bet it goes something like this, "oh no not more bills". Where is your focus directed?

Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Well a rich man has money and he knows it. He sees wealth all around him. The poor person sees lack and concentrates on it. Can you see the difference in focus?

Now there are there are two basic ways to redirect your focus. The first is to change your beliefs so that your focus becomes more automatic in the direction that you wish it to go. The second way is to consciously redirect your attention to situations, people or events that correspond to a new belief.

This, however, is often easier said than done. For example examine the beliefs of a racist who thinks that he is superior to another person due to his heritage, skin colour, or ethnic origins. Now any right thinking person knows that these beliefs have no foundation in reality (subjective or otherwise). So in order to change these beliefs, at a core level, the racist would need to have some contact with other racial groups that have equal or better results in areas of their lives than he does. If he believes he is more intelligent then he would need to see that there are highly intelligent people of all races. If he believes that he is more prone to being successful because of his genetics then he would need to see that there are people of all races who achieve success with ease. If he believes that he is more equipped to overcome obstacles than members of another race then he would need to know that people from all walks of life and different cultures have achieved against seemingly insurmountable odds at great hardship to themselves and so on!

The problem with this is FOCUS! In most cases the racist does not want to see these things. He focuses on the situations, people and events that correspond and reinforce his beliefs! In extreme circumstances such a person will not even be in the company, correspond with, or listen about members of the group he is racist against.

You and I do exactly the same thing everyday. If your life is similar today to yesterday, last week or last year it is primarily because your focus has remained the same. Your thoughts yesterday where the same as last week and if your thoughts and focus are the same today then you can expect tomorrow to bring the same results!

If your beliefs are challenged by what you see, hear or experience many times you simply disregard the information and continue 'blindly' believing what you chose to believe. We filter our reality so that is reinforces our beliefs. We need to break free from this self-imposed brain-washing and redirect our focus on the things that will reinforce a new belief until we actually come to belief it.

For example take a couple in a 'bad' relationship. They come home from work and just know that they are going to have an argument with their spouse. Sure enough they arrive home and argue about who is taking the dog for a walk, what to watch on TV or why they argue so much! Where is the focus in this relationship?

Let's say they decide to try an experiment in beliefs and focus. They look at what IS working in the relationship. They recall the reasons why they first became a couple and begin to reinforce the things they have in common. Their focus is beginning to shift. Although they will probably fall back into some old routines of arguing again if they keep their focus on their shared interests and the things in their relationship that are working what do you think the effect will be?

Try this little experiment yourself. Choose a person who annoys you in some way and that you can't avoid but would if the choice where yours. A work colleague is a good example. Can you think of one? OK, what are you focusing on about that person? I bet it is all the things they do that annoy you. Try to think of something they do that you admire of that you like. This can be sometimes difficult but remember that every person has good and bad qualities so try not to become too polarised about people thinking them either good or bad - they are just human beings.

Now for a few days try your best to focus on the things you like or admire about them and watch what happens.

After you have tried this little experiment try other small ones in other areas of your life that you wish to improve.

Oct 24th 2007 10:10

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Great advice. I came across this in a booklet entitled Self Affirmation. We have to get rid of the negative influences we constantly latch onto.
Oct 24th 2007 10:39   
Wendy Senior   

I agree with you 100%

It amazes me how many people dwell in life with negative attitudes Shame they don't realize it.

Oct 24th 2007 11:17   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

Very well said and do not either understand why they are they way they are. No real reasson other then perhaps they have no other idea of how to react in life

Oh well we will leave it at that......thanks Wendy, Cheryl for your input
Oct 24th 2007 11:44   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Focus Focus Focus on the the most Important....

Who we are and Why.

I always everyone to the Father of the Law of Attraction, Charles Haanel

Always for a FREE copy
Thank you Wendy for BEING You!
Oct 24th 2007 11:58   
Wendy Senior   
"Thank you Wendy for BEING You!"

You may be sorry later LOL hahahaha

But thanks Who else would I be...................

I kinda like myself at any rate

Joseph you know you are more than welcome

Oct 24th 2007 12:27   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted

That is one well written piece of work! I had to laugh like crazy when I got to the "try this little experiment" part, first person I could think of that annoyed me was a work colleague, sure enough, work colleague's make a good Man, some people just seem more challanging to deal with than others in that regard. You know, this guy, he just seems to do everything backwards, constantly gets in the way, holds things up, and farts around on the job all the time. There are moments when I have a heck of a time finding something to admire about the guy, what I've got: He's loyal(shows up for work), honest and a good person, don't think he'd harm a fly. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer so to speak, but does put a little effort forward at least. Oddly enough, the guy can follow a direct order like a piece of cake, but give him two or three at once and oh God! Most of all, he's HUMAN! just like you and me...

Take Care
Oct 26th 2007 01:07   
Wendy Senior   

Thanks for the compliment

Glad you could relate to the situation presented LOL

Yes it takes all kinds to make the world go round Tis a true fact LOL

Oct 27th 2007 22:12   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Here's a laff to reward you for this excellent blog and subjects! :)

Two young and very pretty mountain country gals were walking thru the woods one day,
when they bumped into a photographer and his female assistant...

"Gosh!" , " You gals are beautiful!" said the amazed artist, "May I take Your picture?" he

Well, the gals agreed, even though they had never seen a camera before, nor didn't quite
understand exactly what a photographer was...

So the assistant went to work, posing the gals topless, for their first "nekkid" photograph,

However, as soon as the assistant poised them for that first shot, they both started to
fidget nervously, causing the assistant to say....

"Shhhhhhh.. " , " Settle down-- He's trying to focus.."
"Bo-fus? ", queried the gals..


Have a very good night, Wendy! :)
Oct 28th 2007 14:31   
Wendy Senior   
Indeed that is funny LOL

Perfect add on for the topic at hand

Oct 29th 2007 15:37   
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