Quality Content Writers Group

Quotes at QCWG

by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  
     I am reminded of Thomas Edison. Most people remember him as the man who invented the light bulb. Wrong! Mr Edison invented 9,999 light bulbs THAT DID NOT WORK, and one that DID! (much more impressive to me!) D

     It's like a stone cutter bashing at a rock. He bashes 1000 times trying to get it to crack and then finally the rock splits in 2... The stone cutter knows that it wasn't the last blow that cracked it, but the many before it... Eric Smith

     Whatever it is you do in life, whether it be your job, or your business, or maybe even your hobby, whatever you do, OWN IT! Garnet Nagy

      Your why is personal to you and different for everyone. But your why is always in your mind spurring you on. It is your why you are working for. The nicest part is while you are working for your why, you'll notice the money does come. The money is not your why, simply the tool that makes your why possible. Cheryl

      Without trust no one will go anywhere in the business. That's just a fact! Max Merrill

      Champion spirit is one of patience, persistence, and faith. Champions take careful aim on their goals. They use repetition of thought and action, keeping a sharp focus on what they want to achieve.  Chuck Bartok

     Without any additional effort on my part, I can give a helping hand that stretches around the world. Rae Steinbrink

     It is your life story. You determine what you are going to do with it. If you do not run your own life, somebody else will. David Dubb

      But no matter what creed or faith we follow, we can be passionate about the gifts and blessings that we recieve. We can be appreciative every day, no matter what for so many things. Linda White

     The next time you say you can't, before you say you won't, find a way that you can and you will. Rae Steinbrink

     There are many choices, try many of them, find the one you are passionate about and settle down for the long haul. If the shoe fits.....wear it. Sherri-Anne Myers

      Life could be so much fuller, if only we learned to aim higher. David Dubb

     The "big earners" on this site, are the ones that spend the time actually reading what others write, comment, top, and actually learn from what has been written. The people who claim this site doesn't work or that claim they aren't making anything worth using the site anymore.... are the ones that give no effort into using the site. Max Merrill

 A very wise and close friend once said to me... "...Regardless of how long we live on this earth, we are a long time dead..." Its important to prioritise our time and use it for the important things in life... before its too late! Eric Smith

     If you want to find people who need your services, you've got to think like them. Don't think like a salesman, think like a consumer. Rebecca Beasley

 The foundation of creativity and designing your own life and success, is integrity. Integrity, not defined simply as basic honesty and truthfulness. Integrity is also an intrinsic knowledge that all is right with your world Thea Westra

     The key to attract visitors to your site is to deliver high quality content; therefore, the succeeding matter you must pay attention to in building your marketing website is content. David Dubb

 You can DO IT no matter what "others" may think or say....don't give up your dreams. Theresa

     You don't have to be lonely at the top if you are willing to share. The only people who are likely to be lonely are the ones that want to keep it all for themselves!  Alas Y Cia

     Whether you are a parent, a teacher, an office manager or a business owner, your actions must speak louder than your words.   Rae Steinbrink

     I know that our days together will very soon come to an end, and it will be hard to say good-bye to my small friend.  Every day now is precious.  I will miss her so very much, but it brings me peace to know that she has had such a happy love-filled life.   Penny

     'Post and Runners' will never stay still long enough or be able to post quality content good enough to develop the following that they need to even get people to consider their products. So that's enough of a punishment for them without further derision from me...    Jeff Greene

     Religion started when man first became aware that, one day, he would die. God was around an eternity before that day.  Arthur Webster
Oct 16th 2007 20:26

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Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
No prob buddy....RELAX!
Oct 21st 2007 00:31   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Ok, the blog is up, so tired right now can't read or think straight anymore, please check it out, hopefully I got everything right.
Oct 21st 2007 01:16   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
If thats how you write when your tired Garnet, i'm looking forward to seeing more from you when your awake...

That blog is great!
Oct 21st 2007 01:47   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL! Thanks Eric, hopefully it attracts the right people to the group!
Oct 21st 2007 10:20   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Took a little time today and did some looking around that site you were talking about David, there are some real potentials there! Be great to bring some of them people into this group. Time will tell.....
Oct 22nd 2007 02:21   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
I have to say, I have never seen my work quoted by someone else. A bit unsettling for me, as I really have to "work at" writing quality content. That's not to say, I don't appreciate it. I do! I DO! Makes me WANT to keep "working".

By the way, you guys are also commenting about promoting this group. Would you start a new thread specifically targeting this subject? For example, the idea of profiling this group on my ABC has merit. How would I show it first?
Oct 22nd 2007 17:14   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hi Rae,

Yeah, we probably should have started a new thread on this the other night, sure David or someone will address this in the near future. If you click on "my ugly mug" lol next to this post you should be able to find the blog I came up with the other night, hopefully it gives you some ideas. Someone else will have to address displaying the group on abc's, may be able to post it under feature opps or something I think. What I need to know is how the heck you make clickable links like D did with these quotes up there, tried a few times with no avail, if someone could make that easy for me I would really appreciate it.

Keep writing Rae, it'll only get better!

technical moron...lol
Oct 22nd 2007 19:42   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
It's joy to see the inspiring quotes from my colleagues written here! :)

This is an exceptionally fine idea, and a signal that this is a group that I'm lucky to be a member of... Wow! Talent and Smarts abound here!

They are sure to rub off on me, one of these days! LOL!:)
Oct 27th 2007 10:11   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
As usual I always see something else quoted to inspire or enrich me. Thanks
Oct 27th 2007 10:30   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Garnet,
In order to make the links clickable and go to the post you are referring to you need to do the following:
First, open up two browser tabs and in one have it on the edit this post page for this topic, then in the second tab, open the page you are trying to refer people to. In your address bar, copy the entire URL for that post, switch back to the edit page and paste the link in between the two "" in the snippet below

<a href="">Thea Westra</a> Just change the name and link as needed

(forgot a closing >)
Oct 27th 2007 10:41   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Thanks M, we got this straightened out the other night, most the problem was me not reading the resource I was using correctly, she's all under control..for now..LOL
Oct 27th 2007 10:42   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Here is one that I like:

In order to build a business you have to provide a service, and True Service Comes form the heart. It's not about you or what you can do, it's what you DO for your client.

Normally, I have the DO in Bold Red Letters.
Nov 6th 2007 13:20   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
This great thread has been dead for too long. It's been resurrected on the APSense eZine and now I'm taking it to 2.0!
Nov 13th 2009 09:10   
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