Quality Content Writers Group


by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  
In the course of my research to make QCWG a better place to be, I noticed some interesting statistics. One of the goals I have for this group is to create a synergy that will lift us all. To do that I need your help.

If you click on the tab at the top of the Apsense page labeled Business Blogs you will get, part way down, a list of the most popular blogs.

Drill down a little farther, by clicking on the last 365 days and you will get all the most popular blogs of the last year.

You will see that the most popular blog of the last year has only 21 tops, and only 7 comments!!!

Blog #2........19tops.....13comments


#4..................15t............7 c


Taken a little further, the 10 hottest bloggers list is rated by number of articles, the numbers go something like this:

Do you realize we have several of these people here at our group? Obviously they think we have what it takes, or they would not have taken the time to join! These people give QCWG a lot of Quality
We even have 2 of the Top 5 Hottest Bloggers of the last 365 days here!

More Research: In our first 7 days, we have 14 Quality Members, 16 Discussions, 1491 Group HP, and 318 hits! What will we do in the next month?

If you will note the post on guidelines, you will see that I suggest reviewing each other's posts and topping them. There is a very good reason for this. Your Exposure!
If the most popular blog of the last 365 days has only 21 tops, isn't it reasonable to think that we could exceed that here in the coming week?

If you consistently top what you think are the best articles here at QCWG, if everyone does this, we will have the most popular blogs of the last year right here at QCWG!

Why should that be our goal? More Exposure to your Signature Link! (read Discovery Marketing)

So by helping whomever you like the most here at our group, you are ultimately helping yourself! This is one of the 'Universal Laws' we hear so much about; The Best Way to Help Yourself, is to Help Someone Else!!

Another Reminder: Every time you add an encouraging comment to another member about their post, you not only help them by boosting their morale, you put your Sig Link out there for those 318+ hits to view! Think forward to a month from now when we are getting that many every couple of days!

All The Best to All of the Wonderful Members Here at QCWG. Help Me Help You! David

Just a quick update: 10/19/07 Just noticing that of the 20 top most popular blogs of the last 365 days, 11 were written by members of QCWG! Good work group!!
Oct 14th 2007 21:43

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Well, this all makes perfect sense no need for me to go into detail just re read what you have read and you will master this system...........It will make a lot of sense sooner then later............Watch how it works real easy and simple steps all it takes.............is a desire.............
Oct 14th 2007 21:49   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
This makes perfect sense. Exposure is the key to everything in the business world.
Oct 15th 2007 05:12   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
There is nothing I enjoy more than actually reading an interesting AND informative post. By helping each other this way, we can not only increase our exposure, but help critique or ask questions of one another to improve our ability to tell our stories or promote our business/products/sites.
Oct 16th 2007 17:30   
David Schupbach Senior   
Jeunelle, Purely in a spirit of fun, I have to say: "Tell us how you REALLY feel!"
Oh, and "Bhudda!"

That said I guess I should remind everyone that personal attacks on a members blogs will be deleted. If you don't like someone's blog or comments, simply ignore it. We are here to promote, and boost each other, not to judge.
Oct 16th 2007 18:56   
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