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The Doc's Drink

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
The doctor always stopped by the neighborhood bar for a drink after work. He would go in and order his usual, an Apricot Daquari. Well the Doc was a regular so it took the barkeep no time at all to learn the Doc's preference.

One Friday afternoon the barkeep noticed he was out of the Apricot liqueur he used to make the Doc's drink. Thinking quickly he grabbed the first flavoring substance he could find which was hickory liquid smoke. He quickly mixed the drink as the Doc was walking in the door. The Doc sat down at the bar and began to place his order.

The barkeep sat the drink on the counter with a flourish and said "Got you covered, Doc". The grateful doctor picked up his drink took a sip and with a frown on his face said, "This doesn't taste like Apricot"

The barkeep replied, "Of course it doesn't. It's a Hickory Daquari, Doc!"
Oct 11th 2007 19:52

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
that's good........liked it...........
Oct 11th 2007 22:10   
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